
Top American Evangelicals Will Miss Ivory Coast's Captured Dictator

Jim Newell · 04/11/11 01:08PM

The French rolled up in more than 30 armored cars to the compound of Ivory Coast 'strongman' Laurent Gbagbo today and finally arrested him. All hail the French! The civil war sparked by Gbagbo's refusal to step down following his election loss last November is hopefully reaching its conclusion. This will come as terrible news to several prominent evangelical Christians back here in America.

Say Goodbye to Glenn Beck, the Paul Revere of Idiots

Max Read · 04/06/11 09:06PM

Glenn Beck announced his departure from Fox News on his show tonight. As it turns out, he is the Paul Revere of the 21st century, and this show was his "midnight ride." And now he is going back to silversmithing? Apparently? Also, there is something called "E4." Goodbye, Glenn! We'll miss you, and your bizarre attempts at gravity.

Beck to Quit His Fox News Show

John Cook · 04/06/11 12:12PM

Emotionally unstable television host Glenn Beck is pulling a Palin and quitting his Fox News Channel show later this year, according to a cryptic and confusing press release published on his web site, The Blaze. (The site is down right now, apparently from all the "Beck is quitting" traffic, but the Google cache is still there.)

Donald Trump Is Making Glenn Beck 'a Little Uncomfortable'

Jeff Neumann · 04/02/11 12:24PM

You're treading on some bizarre, uncharted territory if Glenn Beck says you're making him "a little uncomfortable" with rants about bombing China and questioning whether or not Barack Obama is a secret Muslim without a birth certificate. But that's what Donald Trump has done, after his lengthy interview with Bill O'Reilly earlier in the week. Watch for yourself courtesy of "Birther Report," ha.

Glenn Beck Might Start His Own Cable Channel

Max Read · 03/23/11 02:50AM

What will right-wing talk show host Glenn Beck do when his contract with Fox News runs out in December? Maybe he will re-sign with Fox. Maybe he will become a hairdresser! Or maybe he will start his own cable channel.

Female Media Executives Are a Rare Species

Hamilton Nolan · 03/22/11 01:50PM

In your unequal Tuesday media column: women aren't the boss very much, a look at Rupert Murdoch's underling, Glenn Beck's murky future, a self-publishing superstar, and NYT paywall hacks are beside the point.

Glenn Beck (Temporarily) Washed Away by Tsunami

Hamilton Nolan · 03/11/11 02:10PM

In your waterlogged Friday media column: Fox News chooses Japan over Glenn Beck, Adam Moss can't come up with any good insults, the New York Times knows what you need to read, and everyone's getting into this whole iPad thing.

Glenn Beck's War on Google Actually Makes Some Sense

Adrian Chen · 02/19/11 05:34PM

Glenn Beck was on Bill O'Reily's show last night, talking about his ongoing anti-Google crusade. (See video above.) Glenn Beck only pays attention to things insofar as they fit into his crazy conspiracy theories, and he suddenly became aware of Google a couple weeks ago as news emerged about the key role Google executive Wael Ghonim played in Egypt's revolution.

Why Are Conservatives 'Turning' on Glenn Beck?

Jim Newell · 02/09/11 03:07PM

Ever since the Egyptian protests began two weeks ago, the conservative movement has been struggling to spread a lockstep message through its top spokespeople.