
Watch Jon Stewart's Daily Show Invitation for Glenn Beck

Matt Cherette · 01/19/11 11:14PM

Glenn Beck appeared on Today this morning to defend his violent rhetoric, telling Meredith Vieira that he was only joking—just like Jon Stewart! Tonight, Stewart tried to make sense of the comparison before inviting Beck on his show.

Arizona Shooting: The Latest News

Jim Newell · 01/10/11 05:32PM

It's been two days since Rep. Gabrielle Giffords and more than a dozen others were shot in Arizona by Jared Lee Loughner. Here's a round-up of some of the news that's come out on the first workday since the incident.

From HuffPo to Glenn Beck With One Mighty Excuse

Hamilton Nolan · 01/06/11 09:25AM

Betsy Morgan, the former CEO of The Huffington Post, has taken a job running Glenn Beck's website. Hmm. Isn't there something troubling about leaping from one ideological organization to an opposite one so quickly? Morgan has a compelling explanation.

Julian Assange's Sex Life As Explained By Glenn Beck

Kate Shapiro · 12/07/10 06:00PM

Julian Assange's sex life is complicated. Thank God we have Glenn Beck and a chalkboard to explain it to us! Watch as Glenn Beck guides you through Assange's one night stands complete with barbie pictures, impressions and crude chalk drawings.

Glenn Beck Is Nostalgic For How Poor People Used To Be

Kate Shapiro · 12/01/10 11:13AM

Glenn Beck is so sick of poor people. Why can't they just go back to how they were in the Great Depression? That's real "Poverty in America." Nowadays, Glenn expounds solemnly, things have changed: Poor people are just plain obnoxious!

Jon Stewart's Takedown of Glenn Beck's Creepy George Soros Obsession

Matt Cherette · 11/18/10 11:27PM

Last week, Glenn Beck creepily revealed that George Soros was some sort of "puppet master" that Beck believes is set on overthrowing the American government. Tonight, Jon Stewart mocked the charade, and then turned the table on Beck. Watch inside.

Glenn Beck Explains The Economy With a Puppet Show

Kate Shapiro · 11/09/10 06:11PM

Glenn Beck can always be counted on to take metaphors way too far. Today, in order to expose evil, liberal "puppet-master" George Soros, he puts on his own puppet show. Glenn Beck, the next great thespian of our times?