
Liz Smith Readers Not Only Literacy-Challenged

abalk2 · 08/23/06 11:00AM

We've called Liz Smith a few unpleasant names over the last few years: "doughy," "antediluvian," "senile," "past her prime," "washed up," "an escapee from the nursing home," "ready for her Aricept," that sort of thing. Still, we bear her no general ill will and today, in fact, find ourselves in some sort of sympathy with her:

Guest Editor, Day 2: "I only walk where the bricks are made of gold"

krucoff2 · 12/30/05 08:46AM

Today will most likely witness Gawker's lowest traffic of the year so with that in mind I pledge to take it to depths unseen since...yesterday. Didn't appreciate the Paris Hilton snatch yanker pic? Don't worry, plenty more in the bottomless ocean where that came from. If any esteemed members of the media are actually reading this, perhaps David Remnick of The New Yorker, I apologize if you don't like chocolate in your peanut butter. (Sorry, that was awkward.)

The Week In Comments: Direct Your Bile This Way, Please

Pareene · 10/07/05 03:45PM

Already we at Gawker can no longer remember a time when we didn't have our readers create free content for us — Gawker Comments have become an institution (things move FAST in Web 2.0), and here, dear reader, is your incentive to check yourself into that institution: