Liz Smith Readers Not Only Literacy-Challenged

We've called Liz Smith a few unpleasant names over the last few years: "doughy," "antediluvian," "senile," "past her prime," "washed up," "an escapee from the nursing home," "ready for her Aricept," that sort of thing. Still, we bear her no general ill will and today, in fact, find ourselves in some sort of sympathy with her:
I'VE SAID for ages that irony doesn't always work in print. So when I wrote, tongue in cheek, that Mayor Mike Bloomberg will be honored by the Broadcasting & Cable gang on Oct. 23 at the Waldorf, asking what he had ever done for B&C, I should have known that many would rush to tell me. Yes, indeed, the mayor did a groundbreaking thing creating the Bloomberg financial network, the first of its kind!
It's a feeling we know all too well. We're wondering who's worse, our irony-challenged wankers or Liz's. We're gonna guess Liz's; her wankers actually pay for the Post. Also, we love you guys.