The Week In Comments: Direct Your Bile This Way, Please

Already we at Gawker can no longer remember a time when we didn't have our readers create free content for us — Gawker Comments have become an institution (things move FAST in Web 2.0), and here, dear reader, is your incentive to check yourself into that institution:
• Recommendations for alternate New York Post headlines always have and always will amuse us. We liked Fagnolia and BUGGABOOM the bestest.
• Like our boss, we often wonder how Andrew Krucoff gets any work done.
• Really Small Talk's suggested alternate phrases for Metropolitan Diary's "without missing a beat" include: "Then, faster than it takes a whore to say 'Hello, Sailor' my husband Gerald yells out..."
• Our favorite copywriter ads a little Madison Avenue magic to a tired tag.
• This one from Vidiot is a little conceptual: what if David Remnick was a cigar-chomping Front Page-style editor who covered celeb breakups? It might go a little something like this.
• Our HTML-munging and quote-endumbening came under fire from a disgruntled former Brenden Lemon employee.
• We'll let sac have the final word.