
Car Chases, Live TV, and Ethics

Hamilton Nolan · 09/28/12 03:45PM

So, Fox News has, excruciatingly, just broadcast live video of a man committing suicide after a car chase. Fox anchor Shep Smith said afterwards that the network was on a five-second delay, but that the video got through regardless. A network technician being too slow on the button is not the real issue here. The real issue is that car chases aren't worthy of live television (and this might be the thing that brings them to an end).

Fox Just Aired a Live Broadcast of a Car Chase That Ended with a Suicide

Kate Bennert · 09/28/12 02:58PM

Shepard Smith's face in this photo tells the story about this awful situation: Here he's seen immediately after Fox News had aired a car chase (live, without a delay) that ended with a suspect shooting himself in the head. Immediately after, they cut to a commercial about mesothelioma.

Smoking Pot Is American as Heck

Max Read · 07/17/12 02:00PM

Here's Romney surrogate John Sununu on Fox News telling Megyn Kelly someone that President Obama "has no idea how the American system functions" because "he spent his early years in Hawaii smoking something [and] spent the next set of years in Indonesia."

Jon Stewart Dissects More Fox News Hypocrisy Over Fast and Furious

Matt Toder · 06/26/12 10:38PM

It's no surprise that the pundits on the right are going after Obama over Fast and Furious and his executive order but their continued outlandish hypocrisy over the issue has really drawn the ire of Jon Stewart. On tonight's Daily Show, he continued to pound home the right's—Fox News' in particular—hypocritical stance on the issue.

Jon Stewart Loves Fox News' Drastic Reaction to Putin's Body Language

Matt Toder · 06/20/12 10:33PM

On tonight's Daily Show, Jon Stewart took a look at the little flap caused by the chilly body language between President Obama and Russian President Vladimir Putin. While CNN was busy wondering whether or not there was even a story here, Fox News was up to their usual antics: taking a few out of context clips and comparing them to Ronald Reagan's actions.

Jon Stewart Details Another Attempt By Fox News to Mischaracterize Obama's Policies

Matt Toder · 06/19/12 10:43PM

President Obama's recent immigration initiatives have made the Republicans super mad - when they aren't decrying the move as political pandering, they are characterizing it as a gross misuse of executive power. On tonight's Daily Show, Jon Stewart examined some recent attempts by Fox News to mischaracterize Obama's stance.