
British Minister Determined To Block Porn

Ryan Tate · 12/21/10 08:44PM

By all accounts, people keep telling Ed Vaizey his idea is insane and won't work. But the British communications minister is determined to try and force internet subscribers to proactively request online porn; otherwise it would be blocked by default.

Saddest Christmas in the World?

Ryan Tate · 12/14/10 04:24PM

Britain's Daily Mail begins holiday heartbreak story with the quote, "We'll sell our toys to pay for daddy's funeral," and the Dickensian drama just builds from there: Mounting debts; the looming prospect of home eviction; and little details like these:

Pro-Google Vigilante Squad Terrorizes Germans

Ryan Tate · 11/23/10 03:50PM

German reactionaries have a bizarre new icon: Google. Vandals in the Bergerhausen area of western Germany have egged several houses for opting out of Google Street View, leaving behind notes reading, "Google's cool." Get the message, privacy-hoarding squares?

iPhone Riot in China

Ryan Tate · 09/30/10 01:46PM

Apple's flagship store in Beijing was shut down for a few hours due to fights breaking out over buying the iPhone 4, M.I.C. Gadget, a gadget blog based in China, reports.

Meet Wikileaks Founder's Alleged Sex Victim

Ryan Tate · 08/23/10 04:27PM

Wikileaks leader Julian Assange implied that the rape and molestation charges against him in Sweden were part of a global conspiracy. But a fringe-left accuser identified in the Swedish media hardly seems like a CIA plant.

Canadians Declare War on Facebook

Ryan Tate · 07/12/10 01:39PM

Remember how Facebook unilaterally appropriated private friend lists and profile photos several months ago? A new class-action suit says that action violated Canadian privacy and consumer protection laws, and demands a cut of Facebook's ill-gotten revenues. Nice, ay?

Kremlin Invades Twitter

Ryan Tate · 06/23/10 01:22PM

Russian president Dmitry Medvedev visited the San Francisco offices of Twitter and created an account on the microblogging service, @KremlinRussia. As you can see in the attached photo, the startup's founders didn't get too dressed up.