
Apple Only Wants 16+ Year-Olds Working Its Dodgy Sweatshops

Ryan Tate · 03/01/10 02:13PM

Apple products are made in factories that regularly employ young teenagers, constantly work people more than 60 hours per week, and falsify records to cover up their misdeeds. That's according to the shameless gossiping muckrakers at... uh, Apple Inc.

Booze, Bed-Sharing and Betrayal Are Pillars of Korean Journalism

Ryan Tate · 02/22/10 01:26PM

Journalism training in Korea has all the hallmarks of a good reality show: Cub reporters must drink themselves silly, stay awake around the clock, sleep together, and stab one another in the back. It makes Columbia look like Coney Island.

What Is Going On in Iran, Then?

Pareene · 12/28/09 12:56PM

You were maybe too busy opening presents or seeing It's Complicated and eating Chinese food to read Andrew Sullivan this weekend, but you have probably heard that something is up in Iran.

Palestinian Refugee Camp Marked with Monument to Western Vapidity

Ryan Tate · 09/28/09 03:39PM

Palestinian refugees can now enjoy the world's first-ever street named after Twitter following a Dutchman's $146 donation. Good luck explaining Twitter to your kids, refugee camp parents, or giving out your address. At least the money goes to charity.

Did This Congresswoman Have Lesbian Affair With a Turkish Spy?

Pareene · 09/21/09 05:02PM

There are many perils to life in Congress: the humidity, town halls yelling... But worst must be when screw-loose ex-staffers go over to the opposition and accuse you of betraying your country to Turkey while having a lesbian affair.