By all accounts, people keep telling Ed Vaizey his idea is insane and won't work. But the British communications minister is determined to try and force internet subscribers to proactively request online porn; otherwise it would be blocked by default.

"It's technically not possible," the chief technical officer of a leading British ISP tells the BBC of the minister's idea of requiring opt-in for online porn. "Blocking lawful pornography... will lead to the blocking of access to legitimate content," the head of the national ISP association added. But Vaize said he needs to protect the children and will draw up legislation if talks with Virgin, BT and TalkTalk fail to produce voluntary filters.

Opponents have already begun a PR counterattack, branding the proposal "censorship through the back door." Gee, way to prove that hardcore internet porn doesn't corrupt the mind, guys.

[via LA Times]

[Image: hunta/Shutterstock]