
Egypt Turns Violent

Jim Newell · 02/02/11 06:20PM

The Egyptian protests took a surprisingly ugly turn in Cairo today. Mobs tied to the Mubarak regime emerged to beat back protesters and journalists. Here are some somewhat graphic images of the clashes, so turn away if you're easily disturbed.

The Last Days of Hosni Mubarak

Jim Newell · 02/01/11 05:53PM

Egyptian President Hosni Mubarak spoke on Egyptian TV today and, as expected, announced that he wouldn't seek reelection. But he will stick around through an ill-specified "transfer of power," and may torture a few more people along the way.

A Google Exec Is Missing in Egypt

Ryan Tate · 02/01/11 04:18PM

Google's head of Middle East marketing has reportedly been missing for a week in Egypt after participating in the protests there. His wife has appealed for any information on his whereabouts.

Egypt on the Brink of Revolution

Hamilton Nolan · 01/28/11 01:25PM

Things are moving quickly in Egypt today. Street protests have consumed Cairo and other major cities, and the army's been called out to quell them. A quick roundup of the latest news, below.

What's Going On in Egypt?

Max Read · 01/26/11 02:53AM

On Tuesday, tens of thousands of Egyptians took to the streets in Cairo and Suez, protesting the administration of President Hosni Mubarak late into the night. The protestors were gassed and beaten.

Facebook Fixes Spammy Friend Finder — in Germany

Ryan Tate · 01/24/11 07:34PM

Facebook will change its "Friend Finder" to not uncontrollably spam your email contacts with Facebook solicitations. But only if you live in Germany, where regulators actually attempt to enforce privacy laws, and where privacy is an actual thing. [NY Times]

Wikileaks To Shame Cheating 'Pillars of Society'

Ryan Tate · 01/17/11 01:32PM

A former Swiss banker provided the names of more than 2,000 prominent tax cheats to Wikileaks, which has promised to quickly release details of the evasion — unlike governments and the media, which apparently buried the scandal.

U.S. Embassy Isn't Letting a Coup Get In the Way of a Vacation Day

John Cook · 01/14/11 03:38PM

In case you haven't noticed, Tunisia's fallen apart. Its president just fled the country after weeks of riots, and the military has taken control. The U.S. Embassy will still be closed on Martin Luther King Day, though. Holidays are holidays!

Lebanon's Government Collapses

Jim Newell · 01/12/11 12:49PM

Lebanon's government has collapsed after enough Hezbollah ministers and allies withdrew from the prime minister's cabinet. The prime minister has been cooperating with a U.N. investigation into former Prime Minister Rafik Hariri's assassination, which is expected to indict Hezbollah officials.

Hugo Chavez Wants Someone Famous to be US Ambassador

Jeff Neumann · 01/05/11 05:32AM

Hugo Chávez doesn't like Barack Obama's nomination for US Ambassador to Venezuela, Larry Palmer, who suggested that Chávez's administration is basically a drug cartel, so Palmer was rejected. But Chávez has a few suggestions — famous people who like him!