
Swing States Are Swinging Toward Obama

Louis Peitzman · 04/22/12 10:50AM

Unemployment is down in swing states, which means support for Barack Obama is up. Recent polls show the president has an advantage over Republican candidate Mitt Romney. And it's still the economy, stupid.

Zimmerman Could Be Released From Custody Soon

Louis Peitzman · 04/21/12 09:34AM

George Zimmerman, now charged with second-degree murder in the killing of Trayvon Martin, could soon be released from custody after a judge set a $150,000 bond for his release. Zimmerman's family will need $15,000, 10 percent of the total bond amount, to have him let out.

George Zimmerman's Lawyer Wants a New Judge

Louis Peitzman · 04/16/12 08:24PM

The trial of George Zimmerman for the murder of Trayvon Martin has yet to begin, but there are already complications. Today, Zimmerman's defense team — led by lawyer Mark O'Mara — formally requested that the assigned judge remove herself from the case. Judge Jessica Recksiedler's husband works with a CNN analyst who has publicly commented on the Trayvon Martin case.

Somber George Zimmerman Appears in Court for First Time

Maureen O'Connor · 04/12/12 01:05PM

A solemn George Zimmerman appeared at a Florida courthouse today, where the man accused of the second-degree murder of unarmed black teen Trayvon Martin spoke only two words: "Yes sir," he said when the judge asked a "basic question" about the charge. The judge set Zimmerman's arraignment for May 29. Though Zimmerman's new lawyer Mark O'Mara was expected to ask for bail, the bond request was postponed.

Forensic Experts Say Screams on 911 Call Are Not George Zimmerman's

Louis Peitzman · 04/01/12 10:44AM

There has been much debate about the audio recordings of 911 calls on the night George Zimmerman shot Trayvon Martin — were the cries for help heard in the background from Martin or from Zimmerman? Those who believe Zimmerman's claim of self-defense said he was the one calling for help — suggesting Martin had the upper hand in the fight — while others have insisted it was Martin begging for his life.

New Evidence Contradicts Zimmerman's Claim of a Violent Fight With Trayvon Martin

Louis Peitzman · 03/31/12 11:29AM

While George Zimmerman still has not been charged in the shooting death of Trayvon Martin, his public defense — as espoused by his lawyer and family members — rests on the fact that Zimmerman was involved in a physical altercation with Martin. New evidence, however, contradicts that version of events. First there was the security camera footage from the night Zimmerman claims Martin beat him senselessly: to most who watched the video, Zimmerman appeared unscathed.

White Supremacist Hacks Trayvon Martin's Email Account, Leaks Messages Online

Adrian Chen · 03/29/12 02:44PM

The racist smear campaign against Trayvon Martin, the unarmed black teen shot to death last month in Florida, has reached a new level of ghoulishness. A white supremacist hacker says he's broken into Martin's email and social networking accounts, and leaked his private Facebook messages. We've been able to confirm that at least one email account that belonged to Martin was cracked.

George Zimmerman Could Be Charged With a Hate Crime

Louis Peitzman · 03/25/12 10:39AM

To many following the Trayvon Martin case, racial bias seems clear. But in order to charge George Zimmerman with a hate crime, prosecutors would have to prove that the shooting was racially motivated. The best piece of evidence so far is Zimmerman's 911 call, during which he may or may not have said "fucking coons."

Trayvon Martin: All This Has Happened Before and Will Happen Again

Mobutu Sese Seko · 03/20/12 02:30PM

Last night, the U.S. Justice Department announced that it would investigate the death of Trayvon Martin, after watching outrage build as Florida authorities appeared to do nothing for 23 days. The 17-year-old Martin was walking through a residential development in Sanford, Fla. and was chased down and shot by a 28-year-old man named George Zimmerman. If this sounds painfully familiar, it should.

Fired Teacher Kills Principal, Then Self

Leah Beckmann · 03/06/12 04:20PM

Dale Regan (above), headmaster of Episcopal School of Jacksonville in Florida, was shot and killed today by a teacher at the school. The teacher, who had been fired earlier in the day, then took his own life. According to Police, the unidentified man carried the AK-47 he used onto campus in a guitar case. No one else was hurt in the incident.

Drunk Driver+Butt Plug=Florida

Danny Gold · 03/02/12 07:41PM

Kevin Brann must have been in one hell of a rush the morning of February 24 since the 41-year-old forgot to remove the "sexual anus plug in his rectum," as the police report puts it. When police officers in Martin County arrived on the scene of a two car crash, they arrested Brann under suspicion of driving while intoxicated. Things got frisky. More details later emerged: