George Zimmerman, now charged with second-degree murder in the killing of Trayvon Martin, could soon be released from custody after a judge set a $150,000 bond for his release. Zimmerman's family will need $15,000, 10 percent of the total bond amount, to have him let out.

In court, Zimmerman also publicly apologized to Martin's family for the first time.

I wanted to say I am sorry for the loss of your son. I thought he was a little bit younger than I was, and I did not know if he was armed or not.

Martin family attorney Natalie Jackson called the apology "disingenuous" and "self-serving."

Prosecutors had asked that Zimmerman be held without bond, or with a a bond set at $1 million, which Zimmerman's family would not have been able to pay. Judge Kenneth R. Lester Jr. concluded that Zimmerman's past run-ins with the law did not suggest that he was a threat to the community. Martin's parents were "completely devastated" as the prospect of Zimmerman's release.

No decision has yet been made as to whether or not Zimmerman can leave Florida, but arrangements are being made to ensure his safety.

[Image via AP]