[There was a video here]

A solemn George Zimmerman appeared at a Florida courthouse today, where the man accused of the second-degree murder of unarmed black teen Trayvon Martin spoke only two words: "Yes sir," he said when the judge asked a "basic question" about the charge. The judge set Zimmerman's arraignment for May 29. Though Zimmerman's new lawyer Mark O'Mara was expected to ask for bail, the bond request was postponed.

Meanwhile, Trayvon's mother spoke out for the first time this morning—and apparently misspoke. "I believe it was an accident," Sybrina Fulton told the Today Show. "I believe that it just got out of control, and he couldn't turn the clock back." Later she released a statement through her family attorney:

Earlier today, I made a comment to the media that was later mischaracterized. When I referenced the word ‘accident' today with regard to Trayvon's death, in NO way did I mean the shooting was an accident. We believe that George Zimmerman stalked my son and murdered him in cold blood. The 'accident' I was referring to was the fact that George Zimmerman and my son ever crossed paths. It was an accidental encounter. If George Zimmerman hadn't gotten out of his vehicle, this entire incident would have been avoided. My son was profiled, followed and murdered by George Zimmerman, and there was nothing accidental about that.

[AP, MiamiHerald, CNN, video via MSNBC']