When it comes to pre-mature ejaculation-related violence in Florida, history really does repeat itself. Last week, Jennie Scott, of Manatee, Florida, was arrested for reportedly beating her "on-and-off" boyfriend, Jiliberto Deleon, with a stick after Deleon (allegedly) "finished first and stopped pleasuring her" during a "mutual oral sex session."

Neighbors called the police after they heard arguing and witnessed Scott jump atop Deleon, punching and scratching him, and threatening to hit him with a wrench. Police said that, in addition to the the unsatisfying sex, Scott was upset because she'd "heard [him] having sex with another woman over the phone earlier in the day," which, yeah, probably made the bad sex a little bit worse. Police described Scott as "extremely intoxicated," which also makes sense.

And yes, an extremely similar situation happened, again in Manatee County, almost exactly two months before, when a woman attacked her boyfriend after "he climaxed and [she] did not."