
Legislators Ban Young Impressionable Interns During Abortion Debate

Adam Weinstein · 04/10/14 08:52AM

During discussion of controversial issues on abortion and fetuses Wednesday, Republican leaders of Florida's Legislature sent all of the House's teenage pages out of the chamber, and they weren't allowed back in until debate opened on the next issue: guns.

Florida Republican Blames His Party's Woes on "Puerto Rican Influx"

Adam Weinstein · 04/08/14 02:00PM

The Republican leader of one of Florida's most populous urban centers was asked this week why his party was faring so poorly among voters in the area. His answer was that government-loving "semi-socialist" Puerto Ricans are moving in and changing things for the worse.

Adam Weinstein · 04/04/14 02:33PM

If you're a washed-up one-term Tea Party congressman and you're writing a soon-to-be-bestselling jeremiad on dirty libruls, here's a pro tip: Don't use a bunch of fake "founding fathers" quotes from the footers of your Ayn Rand reading group's email threads.

Florida Man Mistakes Suicide Jumper's Corpse for April Fool's Gag

Adam Weinstein · 04/03/14 10:44AM

A desk clerk at a Tampa Bay apartment complex for seniors nonchalantly disposed of the body of a resident who'd jumped 16 stories to her death Tuesday night, mistakenly thinking all along that her corpse was a mannequin left from an April Fool's prank.

Florida Police Release Laziest Sketch Ever of Fugitive Serial Urinator

Adam Weinstein · 03/18/14 11:45AM

Police in Gainesville have a new aid in the search for a man who's peeing on women near the University of Florida campus: a sketch of the perp that resembles a hoodie-wearing Cabbage Patch Doll, or a castoff Mr. Potato Head, or a racially fraught vaudevillian Muppet.

Florida Man Dresses Up as Rambo, Shoots Up Bar, Still Gets Ass Kicked

Adam Weinstein · 03/17/14 09:57AM

Daniel Allen Noble of Flagler County had the "Uzi-style" assault weapon. He had the ammo. He had the bandanna and blades and the look of a badass. He had some patrons of the Europa Lounge in his sights. And then he had his ass handed to him by some burly Slavic bar-goers.

This Week in Florida Man

Adam Weinstein · 03/07/14 03:29PM

There's never enough time or space to give him his due. Here's all he's been up to:

Florida Man Wants a Few Good White Men to Admire His KKK Flag

Adam Weinstein · 03/05/14 01:35PM

"ME: Married, with a Boca Raton trailer, a Klan flag, a Confederate flag with a skull, a 'members wanted' sign, and a lovely wife, ISO same. Had a noose, but uppity neighbors made me take it down. Are you my white-horsed grand knight in shining hood?"

Florida Man Poses as Sick Friend's Brother, Takes Him Off Life Support

Adam Weinstein · 02/27/14 01:14PM

An ill widower outside Orlando died after he was taken off life support at the behest of his stepbrother. Only the "stepbrother" turned out to be a mere acquaintance who cleared out the dead man's house and took $106,000 from his bank account, according to a new investigation.