
Philip Kaplan's AdBrite loses porn-ad network

Owen Thomas · 08/20/07 04:09PM

When you talk about "the Valley" in tech, it's taken for granted that you mean Silicon Valley. But in the world of porn, "the Valley" is the San Fernando Valley, where the adult-film industry has established itself. Now, as porn goes online, there's a long, drawn-out war for dominance fought by the two valleys. And a tremendous battle has just been lost — by AdBrite, the online-advertising network based in San Francisco. AdBrite, Valleywag has learned, has lost the partner that gave it an entrée into the business of selling porn ads.

G-Rated Sex Party

Joshua Stein · 06/14/07 03:00PM

Last night Urbandaddy threw a party at Kiki de Montparnasse, the upmarket sex store on Greene Street. Now if you've ever read the newsletter-for-men called Urbandaddy, you would assume the store was crammed with banker chowderheads. No! Instead, it was full of pulchritudinous young ladies, with only a nominal core of whitenecks. We attribute this to their PR firm Syndicate, who may specialize in stocking spaces with beautiful women. But all told, the pro-sex vibe there had too little shame in it to be hot. Nikola Tamindzic examines the G-rated bacchanal.

Genitals, guns, and merchandise in Second Life

Chris Mohney · 03/01/07 04:20PM

After a couple previous visits into Second Life, I decided to give it one more try. Several people sent in suggestions for places to visit, and I hit as many as I could stand while accomplishing a few other objectives. This time, it's all about penises, nudity, sex, guns, politics, virtual artistry, and so forth. These are, after all, the specialties of Second Life. Note that both the subject matter and visual material that follow are in no way safe for work. The report and a few choice pics are after the jump, and there's also a full gallery. Consider yourself warned.

Vlog Hot: Glamazons Heat 1

Chris Mohney · 02/26/07 06:18PM

This round includes specimens on the more glamorous end of the vlogger spectrum. Celebrity schmoozing, natural hotness, or affected personal style were the tickets into this race. On deck: Violet Blue, Gala Darling, Adriana Gascoigne, Casey McKinnon, and Sara Schaefer. Do that jump thing with the voteyness.

If you can't see the voting mechanism below, we can't help you. We don't know how it works either. You might try turning off firewalls and turning on cookies. Note that you can now vote more than once! And why not? You should be able to vote once per day in any of these polls, showing true devotion to your favorite vlogger by suborning the more casual, ephemeral love showered on her or his opponents. Again, if you have technical problems with that, don't call us. For amusement only, far as you're concerned.

Sex shopping in Second Life

Chris Mohney · 02/21/07 07:00PM

As promised earlier, a first-timer's experience when sex shopping in Second Life warrants its own post. I'll tell you right up front that my immaturity levels do not speak well of me as a sex correspondent. Chris Peterson's Second Life Safari at Something Awful puts quite a bit more thought and action into the topic. That said, with even the Dutch getting lathered up about virtual child porn (and not in a good way), Second Life's burgeoning sex industry is almost politely underplayed when everything else about the service is praised to the skies. So let's go penis shopping, shall we? NSFW, if you haven't guessed.

Sweet online porn cures painful memories of war

Chris Mohney · 02/19/07 09:00AM

An IBM chip plant machinist in upstate New York has sued the company for $5 million, claiming he was wrongfully terminated after being caught logging in to sex chat rooms at work. James Pacenza doesn't deny the sextalk, but he says he's an addict who uses the chat-porn to deal with his post-traumatic stress from Vietnam. No, really:

How much sex in Second Life?

Chris Mohney · 02/08/07 01:00PM

Wagner James Au asks just how much of Second Life commercial activity is sexual. Let's set aside — for now — the awkward ludicrousness of SL sexuality to entertain Au's notion that the vast majority of SL content is actually nonsexual, even in sexual venues. However, Au is so liberal in defining nonsexual content that his classification of the sexual becomes incredibly narrow.

Altporn Star Joanna Angel Put WHAT In Her Mouth?

Emily Gould · 01/05/07 05:10PM

Grub Street goes deep today, probing the eating habits of Joanna Angel (of Burning Angel fame). Joanna's eating seems pretty Williamsburg-centric, which makes sense: that's where her office is. She tries to keep it healthy — "I ate a bagel from the Bagelsmith — I get egg whites and cheese on an everything bagel. I'm trying to stay in shape, considering my job and all," — but like all of us, she's prone to late-night fast food bingeing:

'Playboy' Plaything vs. 'Post'

Chris Mohney · 01/04/07 01:50PM

Scribes of dead-tree media, beware! Your days of carelessly printing alleged falsehoods about vestigial celebrities are over. Now, the unfairly maligned can strike back with that mighty tool known as MySpace. Kendra Wilkinson, the "Young Dumb One" from The Girls Next Door (the cringefest where wizened mummy Hugh Hefner oversees his trio of nubile concubines), got a brief mention in a recent Page Six. The small bit simply mentioned a tipster who confirmed the worst-kept secret in Hefnerdom, i.e. that his sweet young things might live in his mansion as part of some commercial arrangement. Today, Kendra respondeth:

Team Party Crash: Sante d'Orazio Book Launch @ Gramercy Park Hotel

Chris Mohney · 11/17/06 02:25PM

Photographer Sante d'Orazio has a reputation for doing the sexy picture thing, not to mention the actual sex-the-models thing. His new book, Katlick School, goes right for the groin of a particular fetish — the sexual awakening of a nubile girl in Catholic school uniform. Fulfilling the barely repressed urges of generations of Catholic school boys, the book has aroused adult Catholics in quite a different fashion, though none bothered to show up to protest the book's launch last night at the Gramercy Park Hotel. For this occasion, our week long Party Crash scrambling resulted in headliner photog Nikola Tamindzic getting able backup from lenswoman Our Pal Kate. The end result is a doubleplusgood collection of photos. You can look at a complete gallery of the whole shebang; or, you can sift through Nikola's photos; or, spend time with Kate's collection (full gallery here). Plus, check out an exclusive! gallery! of preview pics from the book over at Fleshbot. Warning: hidden somewhere in all these is a make-out scene involving Mickey Rourke and Val Kilmer. Go fetch! And after the jump, Kate gives up the narrative lowdown.

Team Party Crash: Al Goldstein Book Launch @ Slipper Room

Chris Mohney · 11/16/06 01:10PM

On a November night somehow both warm and crisp, the Gawker gods decided to punish Nikola Tamindzic by sending him to three parties in six hours. By far the strangest occasion celebrated notorious pornographer and fellatio expert Al Goldstein, who penned a 267-page tale of sexual depravity called I, Goldstein. Interestingly enough, we're told there will be a book review in the New York Times this Sunday. No word on whether or not they mention his time at Rikers, erotic escapades with hairy BFF Ron Jeremy, or how he used to hang a former lover upside down and lick her clit. Venture into this gallery of horrors, if you dare. After the jump, Intern Stephanie and overworked shutterbug Nikola arrive late, leave early, and still manage to get felt up by random strangers.

The Beginning of the End of YouTube Beginning

sUKi · 10/23/06 11:50AM

Ever since the Google/YouTube buyout was at its rumor stages, Mark Cuban wouldn't shut up about how it was going to be a legal land mine, and while we have yet to see a lawsuit against Google, he has been kinda right as takedown requests are happening more frequently than pre-buyout.

Thomas Pynchon's Niece Loves Gawker, Anal

abalk2 · 10/06/06 02:32PM

So last night adult film auteur Tristan Taormino held a party to celebrate Chemistry, her "sexually experimental, uncensored Hi-Def first Vivid movie." Knowing your insatiable desire for hot girl-on-girl action, we sent a cameraman over to the event: the results are pretty much what you'd expect. This clip is in no way safe for work, although it's certainly less offensive than the Sean Delonas cartoons we've been posting lately. (Note: Tristan isn't featured in the clip, but she did tell us that she loves Gawker, which is pretty damn close to getting an endorsement from Thomas Pynchon, isn't it?) Get your cheap thrills after the jump.

Last Night's Party on Last Week's Fleshbot

Chris Mohney · 10/02/06 10:30AM

If you find yourself whimpering with withdrawal at the knowledge that you have to wait a full week for another Blue States Lose, consider this the hipster-photo equivalent of scraping out the tar from inside the pipe, just to get you to the next fix. Epicenter of naughtiness Fleshbot has exclusive preview boobie pics from Merlin Bronques's Last Night's Party book. Absolutely NSFW — expect prodigious udders and fondling of same — but then, you knew all that already.

Clothing Catalog Trades Metaphors for Actual Porn

Chris Mohney · 08/15/06 11:15AM

French clothier Shai has made a name for itself not so much with its products as with its hardcore porn online video catalogs. Porning up your morning is easy — just choose your preferred gender combo, and the selected models briefly repose in a Shai ensemble before stripping and going at it like the pornstars they actually are. (This is about as NSFW as it gets, so consider yourself warned.) Oh yeah, you can actually find out about the clothes during their brief appearance; mousing over the green dots freezes the video and brings up details on the relevant article. Fleshbot was on this months ago of course, but it took the Los Angeles Times to bring us the money quote from our national purveyor of adversexuality, American Apparel. Wonderfully named AA spokesperson Alexandra Spunt quoth:

Remainders: Tonight The Massages Are On Jeffrey

abalk2 · 07/31/06 05:30PM

• The unthinkable has finally occurred in Dan Radosh's New Yorker anti-caption contest. The seas shall boil with blood, fire will rain from the sky, Mr. Shawn will rise from the dead, etc. [Radosh]
• Is this Sarah Kellen, scheduler of Jeffrey Epstein's "massages"? Either way, kinda cute. [Dealbreaker]
• Speaking of Epstein, Mark Green is returning his $10,000 campaign donation. We're gonna go with, "Think about what kind of action that money can buy." [NYDN]
• Mel Gibson's in recovery. For the alcoholism; don't ask about the other thing. [Star]
• Nancy assaults Sluggo; humorless Brooklyn women unamused. Nobody tell them about Andy Capp. [PWD]
• Wanna be a porn star? Fleshbot can make it happen. And this is a real contest, it's nothing like what happened with that guy you met at Fontana's last weekend. [Fleshbot]
• Anne Hathaway is not a good restaurant patron. [Tip or Tat]
• Bridal shower shopping at Macy's. Just reading this one gives us a headache. [Z. Madison]

Fleshbot Contest: Be Cast in a Porn Movie

Jessica · 05/10/06 10:55AM

Our pervy sibling Fleshbot is proud to announce a wholesome contest taking place in New York, in which one lucky perv will win the chance to break into the lucrative world of pornography, courtesy of punky alt-porn lady Joanna Angel:

Introducing the Fancy New Fleshbot

Jessica · 04/25/06 04:12PM

Gawker Media's home office is pleased to announce the redesign of our perverse sibling Fleshbot, the first of our sites to make use of Gawker Widescreen formatting. For those who care, this means a big, beautiful, resizable column of text and images — so it reads easily on small monitors but also makes full use of those enviably huge big monitors you see in the art department. We're told that eventually all Gawker sites will employ the Gawker Widescreen format, though we expect that Gawker.com's use of it will be only slightly less gratifying for chronic masturbators.