
Mark Zuckerberg and Sean Parker Got Into a Drunken Screaming Match

Adrian Chen · 10/14/11 10:50AM

Earlier this month we told you how Napster founder Sean Parker tipped a West Hollywood waitress $5,000 during a big night out with friends. Turns out Facebook founder Mark Zuckerberg was one of those friends, and the night ended with him and Parker in a drunken "screaming match."

How Tech's Most Shameless CEO Disses His Enemy

Ryan Tate · 10/05/11 01:18PM

Larry Ellison doesn't much care if you know he sleeps with employees, fabricates advertisements, or taunts people with his wealth. But what the Oracle CEO doesn't want you to hear is a presentation from a guy he invests in and who worked for him for 13 years. Especially if Ellison has the power to cancel that guy's speaking gig, humiliating him in the process.

Defiant TechCrunch Post Killed In AOL War

Ryan Tate · 09/08/11 04:21PM

Has the AOL civil war descended into a sad, juvenile battle for WordPress admin privileges? An angry blog post was mysteriously deleted from the company's hotly contested TechCrunch blog, leaving "Page Not Found" at the top of its list of most popular posts.

Scientology's Gaudy New Yorker Spoof

Hamilton Nolan · 08/31/11 11:52AM

This morning, Conde Nasties and passersby on 42nd St. were greeted by Scientologists handing out copies of the new issue of their Freedom magazine—which is a spoof of The New Yorker. Stick it to the man, Scientology!

Contempt for NYT Public Editor Reaches New Heights

Hamilton Nolan · 08/29/11 03:18PM

In your resplendent Monday media column: an NYT ombud feud, News Corp loses its education contract, NY1 rules, government spending can't save print media, and the world's oldest grudge against Romenesko.

There's a Reason Fox News Keeps Attacking Gawker

John Cook · 08/26/11 12:59PM

Hey look! The good folks on Fox and Friends did a segment on Gawker this morning, for no apparent reason at all, claiming (falsely!) that our traffic is down 75%.

Did Sean Parker Just Dance on Steve Jobs's Professional Grave?

Ryan Tate · 08/25/11 12:07PM

Sean Parker, immortalized in The Social Network as a hard-partying playboy, was up early this morning. Around 6 am, the former Facebook president posted a quote to his profile concerning "the deaths of our enemies." It's hard to escape the conclusion that he was referring to Steve Jobs. (Update: Parker responds to this story below.)

Scrubs Creator Doesn't Like It When People Are Mean to Zach Braff

Richard Lawson · 08/04/11 11:14AM

Droopy renaissance man Zach Braff wrote a new play called All New People that's currently running off-Broadway, and New York Magazine's theater critic Scott Brown really did not like it. His review was scathing, but hilariously so! Everyone loved it! Well, almost everyone. Braff's friend, Scrubs and Cougar Town guru Bill Lawrence, is not happy about it at all.

Facebook Twins Respond to Larry Summers' 'Asshole' Comment

Seth Abramovitch · 07/21/11 09:19PM

Cameron and Tyler Winklevoss have responded to Larry Summers, the former Harvard president who earlier this week said of his first encounter with the litigious dyad (famously dramatized in The Social Network), "One of the things you learn as a college president is that if an undergraduate is wearing a tie and jacket on Thursday afternoon at three o'clock, there are two possibilities. One is that they're looking for a job and have an interview; the other is that they are an asshole. This was the latter case."

Winklevoss Twins Were Total 'Assholes' Says Larry Summers

Ryan Tate · 07/20/11 01:35PM

Larry Summers, the loudmouth former Treasury Secretary, knows from blowhards. So when he says Facebook losers Cameron and Tyler Winklevoss were some of the most arrogant "assholes" he met at Harvard, that's really saying something.

NYT Pays Off Its Extortionate Foreign Credit Card

Hamilton Nolan · 07/13/11 02:49PM

In your sweltering Wednesday media column: the NYT repays Carlos Slim, the global advertising market is back, a columnist is canned for plagiarism, a book review feud, and the media's most ineffectual lawyer says goodbye.

Tea Party vs. Manatees: It's On

Jim Newell · 07/13/11 01:39PM

The U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service is in the process of writing rules to protect manatees, the fat monsters who occasionally get lost and dominate media coverage for weeks, from boating and other "activities" that constantly kill them in Kings Bay, Florida. So, is the local Tea Party chapter okay with this? Ha ha, no, not at all.

Zooey Deschanel vs. the Lady Who Called Her a 'Snobby Cow'

Seth Abramovitch · 07/12/11 12:41AM

Catfight, catfight! In one corner, local L.A. crackpot and fluff journalist extraordinaire, Patt Morrison. (See her interview a celebrity Beagle here.) In the other, doe-eyed indie nymph and elf-whisperer, Zooey Deschanel. Two enter! Both leave! We get something to talk about for five minutes!

Is Chris Christie Shooting Lightning Bolts at His Rivals?

Jim Newell · 07/08/11 02:21PM

Last week, New Jersey Gov. Chris Christie quietly used his line-item veto powers at the last minute to cut about $1 billion in Democratic spending from the state budget, items which state Senate President Stephen Sweeney says were conditional to his support for the deal. Sweeney, in response, has been calling Christie a "mean old bastard," "rotten bastard," "bully" and "punk" whom he wants to "punch... in his head." This must be doing serious damage to New Jersey's reputation as the most polite state in the union.