
MisterHippity · 01/05/10 01:01PM

I've heard that the new Tucker Max show will be a musical. They've already written the big show-stopper number: I Feel Poopy. Here are the lyrics: I feel poopy Oh so poopy I feel shitty and crappy — the pits! Pants are droopy That the walls are spattered with my shit (La la la la la la la la!) I made jobby In the lobby On the ceiling, the walls and the floor! Maid is sobby Cuz she has to clean it up — she's poor! (Ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha!) See that poopy guy in the lobby there (What lobby where?) Who can shit-spattered guy be? (Which one where who?) Such a poopy ass, such a poopy head, such a poopy leg, such a poopy knee! (Such a poopy knee, such a poopy knee, such a poopy knee) So much feces For my species This must be a new record I've hit Here's my thesis: It must be 'cause I'm so full of shit!

Gabriel Snyder · 12/22/09 09:54AM

I can't believe I forgot about this until now. Susan Carey wrote the definitive travel horror story for the Wall Street Journal about Northwest Flight 1829 which trapped passengers in a plane on a frozen tarmac for hours in 1999. It is one of the best newspaper features I've ever read: Frozen Northwest: 'I'm opening a door!' 'No, no, don't do it!' 'How about a valium?' Tension on a crowded plane nears the breaking point as it festers, snowbound — A call to Mr. and Mrs. CEO By Susan Carey The 757's toilets overflowed. A hysterical passenger vowed to blow an emergency door and jump into the freezing darkness. A grown man wept and begged to be freed. The air stank. Babies screamed. Adults screamed, too. Anyone who flies regularly has an airline horror story. But short of a crash or a hijacking, few trips are likely to compare to the one taken by the 198 passengers and crew of Northwest Airlines Flight 1829 over the first weekend of the year. It arrived about 22 hours late, and was trapped on the tarmac at its destination for nearly seven hours more. The Wall Street Journal has pieced together what it was like aboard that plane, minute by minute. Fasten your seat belts. It's a bumpy ride. ... Now excuse me, I'm going to go re-read this treasure.

RollsRoyceRevenge · 12/17/09 11:04AM

Consider the Douche: A Study Tucker Max, douchebag, is famous exclusively for claiming to be an asshole. Yet all who know of him know that the term "douchebag" is the correct one. Why is this? What makes a douchebag a douchebag, as opposed to an asshole? The following thoughts have been set down by way of rumination on the ways and methods of the douche and how shall ye know him. For the purposes of this essay, the douchebag is assumed to be male. While it is true that females can exhibit douchebag behavior, they are usually too busy fighting off male douchebags to do so. Those most often mistaken for female douchebags, Julia Allison among them, tend to be divas, another creature entirely. It is also for this reason that I would argue against "douchebag" as being a sexist term. The Jezebels have pointed out that the insult is based on something a woman uses. I say that a smart woman uses a douchebag when she has to—and then she throws it away. Sounds like the perfect metaphor to me. Douchebagging is a young man’s game. After the age of 40, the classic douchebag becomes a scumbag—which is to say, a douchebag left out to become all cruddy and murky with the bitterness of middle age. Scumbags, like hyenas, are still essentially bottom-feeding losers, but years of failure and sexual rejection have turned them mean and honed their low, animal cunning. A scumbag can be violent in a cowardly way if you let your guard down. A douchebag is always a coward, period. Another thing to note: douchebaggery is primarily concerned with establishing channels of social power based on the pack mentality. There is never a lone douchebag—they are social animals. The term "douchebag" does not apply to such as Rush Limbaugh or Lou Dobbs. Aside from the issue of age (both Dobbs and Limbaugh being heaps of decaying, rot-bloated, cholesterol-laden, pre-cancerous flesh), neither is interested in social interaction per se, or in sex, the other great idée fixe of the douchebag. They, like most politicians and media figures, are festering shit-swollen boils on the ballsack of Beelzebub, but they are not douchebags. The simplest way of conceiving it is this: a douchebag is a failed asshole. The asshole is the true alpha-personality: the douchebag is the cowed, quivering copycat. The asshole rarely thinks of his own assholishness—the douchebag plots and plans his assholery, only to have it collapse into a wet splashy puddle of douche. The asshole can, on occasion, be charming, attentive, generous or cultured—this is what makes him attractive, and therefore dangerous. The douchebag is never anything but a schmuck. The douchebag worships and loves and hates and envies the asshole. The asshole never notices the douchebag, except on those rare occasions when he is inspired to crush the douchebag to a pulp. The douchebag dreams of being an asshole. The asshole does not dream—he’s too worn out by fucking the douchebag’s girlfriend. Assholes can be talented, even geniuses—thus the frequency one hears the term; "Gee, X is absolutely amazing at BLANK, but he’s kind of an asshole." In this case, some of the perceived assholishness of the asshole comes from his willingness to put his talent before other human interaction. Assholes win Nobel prizes, Olympic swimming competitions, Academy Awards. The douchebag has no talent other than an ability, under certain circumstances, to appropriate the asshole’s talent as his own. Sex for the asshole is really about pleasure—his pleasure. That of the woman (or of the other man), comes a distant second or not at all. Sex for the douchebag is about power—first over the woman (in addition to being primarily male, douchebags are exclusively heterosexual), and then over the team of fellow douchebags he plans on bragging to of his conquest. Pleasure never enters the equation for either person because the douchebag always has one hand on his blog. Assholes can be discrete, basically because they don’t want people to realize whatever sort of kink they’re into. Douchebags are nothing if not vanilla in the sack, but are compelled to invent all sorts of grotesque practices, encounters and partners to cement their asshole status. Thus, Tucker lying about filming butthex in Opie & Anthony is the true epitome of douchebag. Now, I’m not going to fly a big banner for assholes. Given the choice between asshole and douchebag, it is better to be neither. The life of an asshole is essentially a tragic one, leading to wasted talent, estranged families, friendless existences, financial ruin and something very, very, very wrong with your liver. No one possessed of a moiety of their marbles could ever point to a raging asshole and say: "Go thou, and do likewise." However—and here’s where Tucker Max comes in—true assholes never make a fetish out of their own assholishness. An asshole, like a tornado or a killer whale or some other initially impressive but ultimately destructive thing, simply is. James Bond, perhaps the ultimate asshole—a cold-blooded murderer, a spy, a sociopath—never once called himself an asshole. It was just: "Bond. James Bond." (Conversely, Pussy Galore, also an asshole, never had to say: "Gosh, I’m good at fucking!’) It is the burden of the douchebag to continually trumpet his own fake asshole status. If someone tells you "I’m an asshole" you are almost certain to be dealing with a douchebag. An asshole may tell you a horrific story of his past that leaves you thinking "wow, what an asshole;" the douchebag tells you the same story (which he heard first from the asshole), gingerbreads it to the point of obvious absurdity and concludes: "Yup, I’m really an asshole!" Tucker Max has attempted to parlay his own weasely life into the Elysian Fields of Asshole, but belies his quest with every act. A remora fantasizing about being a shark, he describes himself as an asshole, blabs and boasts of his assholery, lies—obviously—about his stories, and is forced, douchebag that he is, to hire thugs to serve as his asshole-muscles (no asshole ever relied on some other dude to do his brawling). Panting desperately for the sacred status of mythological assholes such as Jack Nicholson, Marlon Brando, Miles Davis, Prince Harry, Robert Maplethorpe or Mick Jagger, he has succeeded only in making himself look ever more the quivering, bullying, squealing, lisping, jelly-bellied, flipper-waving, khaki-pants-wearing, Mommy’s apron-clinging, frat-boy pee-stained sloppy-boppy poopy-pants pile of douche. And this, friends and neighbors, is why Tucker Max is my vote for Douche of the Decade.

Richard Lawson · 11/12/09 11:33AM

Carrie Prejean didn't take that call because she's a vicious, hateful idiot who has been propped up by gay men and women her entire pageant career and then totally sold them out for a shot at pathetic, fifteen-minute, fried American fame. And now she has to pay the piper for her devil's bargain and she's typically fucking unwilling to deal with it. She is as stringent and wholesale an example of the Christian Right's despicable doublespeak and hatred that has been poisoning our country for too long as there is in modern American society. She's an avatar, she's a monster. Carrie Prejean is a hateful bigot who will not tolerate being called on her shit. And we should not give her any amount of credence for it. That any member of the media, old Triceratops Larry King included, would give her any kind of due is just another shameful and sad example of the fact that rhetoric against gay people in this country is tacitly tolerated by popular media, because some wingnut idiots who believe that someone lived inside a whale for a few months threaten righteous rage if said media doesn't give lip service to their ridiculous, completely untrue, ancient assertions about what makes people's sexuality. The tyranny of religion in this country MUST END if we expect to get anything good and decent and progressive done in this fucked up swamp of a nation we live in. I've had it with this spectacular waste of life, and I've had it with people like Larry King putting up with her bullshit to meet a bottom line. I'm fucking done. I'm outraged. Say "Who cares about Carrie Prejean??" all you want, I CARE. This woman is an enormous example of why gay teenagers across this country kill themselves in droves every year. Gayness is equated with ugliness in every arena. Figures it was a beauty queen who should point this out.

iplaudius · 11/11/09 04:42PM

When I see these guys, with their Mediterranean visages and spectacular physiques, I imagine them as the descendants of ancient Roman soldiers, lost and confused in a modern world. Lacking the old measures and symbols of valor and achievement, they are constantly embroidering themselves with the simulacra of battle scars and aristocratic finery: eyebrow shaping, complicated hairstyles, scorched-earth depilation, glittery T-shirts, pimped-out V8 chariots, and other bright accoutrements. As with their ancestors, the drama of their lives again and again returns to ostentatious displays and violent contests of wealth and power and sex. It is the drama of the arena, the curia, and the opera house, brought low for the subjects and the times.

Julia Allison · 11/10/09 10:30AM

Oh John, shut the f up. Sorkin's brilliant and talented - and beyond that, super sweet. God forbid he be paid what he's worth. #andrewrosssorkin

BookishLookish · 10/20/09 03:18PM

Padma is Mad magazine; Pia is Cracked. Padma is Oreos; Pia is Hydrox.... and so a lovely word-game thread begins

RonMwangaguhunga · 08/06/09 05:13PM

John Hughes lovingly chronicled the American geek at his most acutely vulnerable moment — in high school. It is probably impossible to underestimate the impression his coming-of-age movies made on anyone who came of age in the mid 1980s, at the height of Reagan's big-haired Imperial Burlesque. The pendulum swung. As former hippies embraced the lavish, gaudy lifestyles born of huge budget deficits, Hughes captured, pitch-perfectly, the moody after-effects on the often psychologically left behind children of those neglectful Boomers. Ferris Bueller's Day Off, The Breakfast Club, Some Kind of Wonderful, Sixteen Candles and Pretty in Pink all bear his shy, iconic stamp. If that eternal, angry adolescent Ingmar Bergman's cinematic muses were Max von Sydow and Liv Ullman then John Hughes' were the brittle Molly Ringwald (whom he always portrayed with a gentle, fatherly love) and the acutely geekish Anthony Michael Hall, all squeaky-voiced and awkward gangly wonderful. Hughes created a self-contained but highly recognizable high school alternate universe where petty school bureaucrats ruled with an iron fist and soul-killing rules as cool kids, unpunished, roamed the halls like scavengers on the veldt. Anyone who grew up in the 1980s, at the height of the decline of American public education, saw ominous parallels. John Hughes, like all great artists, never quite grew up. The slings and arrows of outrageous adolescence stayed with him. Clearly they stung. But they also provided a fertile almost volcanic soil for him to produce such strong green chutes like Ferris Bueller, the large-hearted class cutter always one step away from the bitter High School Principal, or Allison Reynolds, the hypershy magnificent freak who — mirabile dictu — turned out to be a swan under all the the dandruff, melancholy and goth clothing. Rest in peace, John Hughes. Sincerely yours, the Breakfast Club.

Baroness · 07/12/09 05:07PM

"I suddenly felt deep empathy with the late Princess of Wales, for the hundredth time. Here I was at my crowning moment, my coronation as queen of cafè society, and I understood her deep loneliness amid the glory. But like Diana, there were sinister forces amassing against me, unwashed masses at their PCs, sans-culottes preparing their digital tumbrils and had never considered the deep fascination of Bianca Jagger. (Did I say Diana? I meant Marie Antoinette as well. Watching Bernard-Henri Levy scarf a hot dog was a transcendent pop hi-low culture moment, the zeitgeist in action.) Where was I? Oh yes- little could I know that Robert's arrangements would become fleurs de mal, and this glorious temps would soon be perdu."

flossy · 06/24/09 02:22PM

In all fairness to his aides, "I'm getting some Argentinian tail" sounds a lot like "I'm hiking the Appalachian trail"

Peter Feld · 05/01/09 12:57PM

Some people will be offended by this and I know she has fans, but no. No. The woman was born in 1954. Conservative presidents pick young ideologues like Clarence Thomas who was about 40 when he was picked and who will be around forever, and they never worried about "picking moderates" to stay viable.

Mediahohoho · 04/22/09 01:19PM

This is a lot like when George Tenet was awarded the Medal of Freedom and Dick Cheney didn't die of shame, right?

gawkimo · 04/21/09 01:39PM

For some reason I'm not enraged when I read about Tina Fey's big ol' West End apartment. So maybe my desire to see this TARP-CEO wife pushing a shopping cart own an alley looking for expired food out of dustbins isn't exactly coming from my Marxist well of "class rage".

smitros001 · 04/20/09 04:33PM

Now the world really is flat. Flat broke.

Colonel Mustard · 04/16/09 03:07PM

This may be the funniest development yet in this whole teabagging ordeal. This schoolmarm snipping about propriety from FOX fucking News would be hilarious on its own, but the fact that they didn't even catch it until today?

MisterHippity · 04/16/09 12:22PM

I like this sentence in the NY Times story: "The Fox News producer responsible for most of the ambush interviews, Jesse Watters, refused repeated interview requests." That just about says it all, doesn't it?

Almostbanned · 04/12/09 03:06PM

Why is this good again? Atheists are among the most desperately miserable, intolerant and generally insufferable people I've ever known. A atheist zealot is every but as annoying and misguided as the bible-thumpingest evangelical.

T.A.N. · 04/11/09 06:25PM

awww, we lost my personal outro to tech difficulties... But yes, thanks for the warm reception and tuning into WTAN. We should have an interview with your favorite Late Show band The Roots next week amongst other surprises. So stay tuned ... same TAN time, same TAN channel.

TheDismalScience · 04/09/09 01:09PM

Well, that's certainly obsessive and gross of this guy, but this is really how you have to do it. To prove that Christian values are a stupid lie you have to show the world what exactly teenage boys and girls are really fucking. I mean thinking, you know, about fucking. Temptation isn't just written in the Bible, it's written in our biology, and the way people wield sexuality in America makes me start thinking in terms of what parts of the Mall a public orgy protest could be held most comfortably.

Astigmatism · 04/09/09 01:09PM

This is just distasteful - and the fact that someone else is ransacking the digital archive of a teenager doesn't make it any less sleazy for you to link to it. Bristol's mom is a politician, but Bristol herself is an 18-year-old girl who has no say in what her mother does for a living or the stances she takes. Or is investigating the personal details of a politician's daughter okay as long as she's a Republican?