Some people will be offended by this and I know she has fans, but no. No. The woman was born in 1954. Conservative presidents pick young ideologues like Clarence Thomas who was about 40 when he was picked and who will be around forever, and they never worried about "picking moderates" to stay viable.

Democrats are less strategic and pick Breyer, Ginsburg, etc., in their mid-to-late 50s who can serve for a shorter time and may be replaced someday by a Republican if the party ever manages to crawl back from oblivion.

Reagan is laughing at us from hell: throughout the 80s he populated the entire Federal judiciary with young, rigid conservatives, many of whom are still on the bench.

At least you can say Clinton was dealing with a Republican Senate. Now we have 59 votes in the Senate, and there is no filibustering of Supreme Court nominees, you just need a simple majority. (That's how Clarence Thomas got through.) We do not need to worry about picking moderates. Obama, get with the program and pick someone your own age or - preferably - younger, kthxbai.