I can't believe I forgot about this until now. Susan Carey wrote the definitive travel horror story for the Wall Street Journal about Northwest Flight 1829 which trapped passengers in a plane on a frozen tarmac for hours in 1999. It is one of the best newspaper features I've ever read: Frozen Northwest: 'I'm opening a door!' 'No, no, don't do it!' 'How about a valium?' Tension on a crowded plane nears the breaking point as it festers, snowbound — A call to Mr. and Mrs. CEO By Susan Carey The 757's toilets overflowed. A hysterical passenger vowed to blow an emergency door and jump into the freezing darkness. A grown man wept and begged to be freed. The air stank. Babies screamed. Adults screamed, too. Anyone who flies regularly has an airline horror story. But short of a crash or a hijacking, few trips are likely to compare to the one taken by the 198 passengers and crew of Northwest Airlines Flight 1829 over the first weekend of the year. It arrived about 22 hours late, and was trapped on the tarmac at its destination for nearly seven hours more. The Wall Street Journal has pieced together what it was like aboard that plane, minute by minute. Fasten your seat belts. It's a bumpy ride. ... Now excuse me, I'm going to go re-read this treasure.