
Reporter Says She Tried to Warn Subway That Jared Was a Pedophile

Gabrielle Bluestone · 08/21/15 01:12PM

A reporter who says she informed on Jared Fogle to the FBI claims she also tried to warn Subway that the face of their company had been making sexual comments about her two young children, but “never did hear back from them.”

FBI Officially Accuses North Korea of Sony Hack

Taylor Berman · 12/19/14 12:53PM

The FBI has concluded that North Korea is to blame for the devastating hacking attack against Sony Pictures. "North Korea's actions were intended to inflict significant harm on a U.S. business and suppress the right of American citizens to express themselves," the agency said in a statement released today. "Such acts of intimidation fall outside the bounds of acceptable state behavior."

The Uncensored FBI Letter to MLK Found Hidden in the National Archives

Jason Parham · 11/11/14 06:44PM

In the fall of 1964, the New York Herald Tribune ran a story with the headline, "FBI Chief Calls Martin Luther King 'The Most Notorious Liar in Country.'" J. Edgar Hoover, then the director of the FBI, had found himself on the defense after King, perhaps the most prominent civil rights activist of the 1950s and 60s, accused the bureau of not enforcing civil rights law and using Jim Crow-era tactics to suppress blacks. Hoover's real reasoning for labeling King a "notorious liar," however, was based on information he and few others were privy to: the details of King's sex life.