Staten Island-based congressman Michael Grimm pled guilty to federal tax evasion today. He was indicted earlier this year on 20 counts, including on charges of fraud, federal tax evasion, and perjury.

The New York representative was re-elected to his seat last month while the investigation into his then-alleged tax fraud was ongoing. His sentencing is scheduled for June of next year; prosecutors say between 24 and 30 months in prison "would be appropriate." From CBS New York:

According to an indictment, the tax fraud began in 2007 after Grimm retired from the FBI and began investing in a small Manhattan restaurant called Healthalicious.

The indictment accused him of underreporting more than $1 million in wages and receipts to evade payroll, income and sales taxes, partly by paying immigrant workers, some of them in the country illegally, in cash.

The case stemmed from an investigation of Grimm's campaign financing. He was never charged with any offense related to his campaign, but a woman romantically linked to him pleaded guilty in September to lining up straw donors for his 2010 run.

Grimm famously threatened to throw a reporter over a balcony on live TV and is apparently the New York congressman who sets teenage loins on fire.

[Image via AP]