Donald Trump, whose overarching personal and political strategy is to make everything about him, is making the prison escape of Mexican cartel boss Joaquin “El Chapo” Guzman about him. Trump has alerted the FBI about death threats that El Chapo’s son allegedly made against him on Twitter, TMZ learned from a source very close to Donald Trump (Donald Trump).

The drug kingpin’s Twitter account, reportedly run by his son Ivan, went after Trump in response to his recent comments about Mexican immigrants and Trump’s boast that if he were president, he would kick El Chapo’s ass.

Probably-Ivan told Trump in Spanish that he’d “fucking make you eat all your bitch words, whitey milkshitter.” (According to TMZ, that’s an anti-gay slur.)

Trump took the threat—or at least the publicity he could generate from the threat—very seriously, and he says he called the FBI to request an investigation. Of the recently-escaped high-profile head of a Mexican cartel and his son.

“I’m fighting for much more than myself. I’m fighting for the future of our country which is being overrun by criminals.” Trump adds, “You can’t be intimidated. It’s too important.”

Thank you for heroically bringing this situation to law enforcement’s attention, Donald Trump. God only knows where they’d get their information on druglords’ Twitter accounts without you.

[Photo: AP Images]