Which Musician Had Gay Sex to Get a Record Deal?
Brian Moylan · 12/19/11 10:08AMWatch the Unnerving Mass Hysteria of 'Mourning' North Koreans
Max Read · 12/19/11 09:40AMAndrea Peyser's Year in Review: 'The All-American Booty'
Hamilton Nolan · 12/19/11 09:28AMWhat a year it's been for Andrea Peyser, the sourpuss racist lesbian xenophobe sex fiend who serves as the conscience of New York City's most fascist tabloid. Today we are blessed with Andrea's "Year in Review" column, widely considered journalism's most exciting day after the Pulitzer Prizes. Equally looked-forward-to is our condensation of this column into readable form! Without further ado, we present The Shorter Version of Andrea Peyser's Year in Review Column, Which Is, Naturally, on the Topic of SIN:
Demonic Golf Cart Terrorizes High School Football Game
Seth Abramovitch · 12/18/11 11:59PMYou know, the one thing not missing from the Friday Night Lights series finale was the presence of a possessed golf cart mowing down the Permian Panthers' defensive line. The Spring Dekaney Wildcats were not so lucky: The Texan high school football team were barely able to celebrate their new state title when just such a berserk vehicle — like something out of a not-particularly-terrifying Stephen King novel! — sent the stadium into a panic. Everyone was okay, though, so it's all right to laugh. Hahaha! Runaway golf cart! [Buzzfeed]
Giant Rabbits and Double Rainbows: The 10 Most Insane Delusions of Kim Jong-il
Seth Abramovitch · 12/18/11 11:37PMKim Jong-il Has Died on a Train
Seth Abramovitch · 12/18/11 10:07PMKim Jong-il, the fearsome, furtive, and fashion-forward leader of North Korea, is dead at age 69. This according to a weeping announcer on a "special broadcast" delivered on North Korean television on Monday. The Dear Leader was on a train traveling through Pyongyang during a "field guidance tour" at the time.
The Endlessly Quotable Vaclav Havel, 1936-2011
Seth Abramovitch · 12/18/11 09:38PMPsychopath Burns Elderly Woman to Death in Elevator
Seth Abramovitch · 12/18/11 08:20PMAnother gruesome elevator death has shocked and terrified an already lift-phobic city. But this time it was no accident — as was the case with Wednesday's freak crushing of a 41-year-old ad executive at a Madison Ave. building — but rather a carefully premeditated act of murder perpetrated upon a 73-year-old Brooklyn woman. The term "coldblooded" here does not even begin to scratch the surface.
Hardcore Bishop Leads OWS Occupation of Church-Owned Land
Lauri Apple · 12/17/11 06:15PMHere's retired Bishop/Occupy Wall Streeter George Packard ascending a ladder that takes him not to a higher spiritual level but to a vacant patch of land owned by Trinity Church. Occupiers want to convert Trinity's property into their next Zuccotti-like encampment—a plan that the church opposes because cleanliness is next to godliness, with emptiness not far behind.
Missouri Excelled at Meth Production This Year
Lauri Apple · 12/17/11 05:17PMFamily-Values Politician Bought Gay Sex Shop Wares With Taxpayer Money
Lauri Apple · 12/17/11 04:12PMFor those of you who keep track of America's conservative family-values Republicans who are caught doing sexy gay things, here's a new name to add to your lists: Southaven, Mississippi mayor and failed Congressional candidate Greg Davis, who allegedly billed taxpayers $67 for purchases at a Canadian gay sex shop called Priape.
Your Partner Is Making You Binge-Drink
Lauri Apple · 12/17/11 03:10PMHow to Photoshop Your Way to a $425,000 Payoff
Lauri Apple · 12/17/11 02:00PMFormer University of Northern Colorado student Tom Mink (right) (ha, just kidding—left!) just received a $425,000 settlement from a bunch of Colorado cities for improperly searching his home and confiscating his computer after he'd created "Junius Puke," the Photoshop at right of UNC finance professor Junius Peake.
Score $1.5 Million For Not Having a Good Tech Idea
Adrian Chen · 12/16/11 05:08PMThere Is No Way These Are the Most Annoying Words of 2011
Max Read · 12/16/11 04:55PMThe Great K-Mart Layaway Payoff Miracle
Hamilton Nolan · 12/16/11 04:41PMJack the Giant Killer: A Boy Learns About Beans, the Magical Fruit
Leah Beckmann · 12/16/11 04:00PM
Jack the Giant Killer, from X-Men director Bryan Singer, is the latest in a string of classic fairy tales darkly adapted for the screen. The problem with these is that they try so hard to avoid the kiss of box office death that is the for-kids-and-adults genre, that they end up being a silly, self-conscious incarnation of the anti-family flick and up looking like a Twilight afterthought, aesthetically anyway. And thus we have Jack, a retelling of Jack and the Beanstalk featuring Nicholas Hoult, the kid from the British Skins.
The Huffington Post Almost Outed Rick Perry
John Cook · 12/16/11 03:45PMFear of Jogging Proves Greater than Love of Soda
Hamilton Nolan · 12/16/11 03:15PMFor years, nay, decades, public health scolds have tried and tried to politely inform the American people that drinking gallon upon gallon of Fanta cola in lieu of water could have negative health effects, including but not limited to the fact that we as a nation are now enormous. But! Now, public health advocates have learned to tap into that most primal fear of Americans: fear of exercise.