Here's retired Bishop/Occupy Wall Streeter George Packard ascending a ladder that takes him not to a higher spiritual level but to a vacant patch of land owned by Trinity Church. Occupiers want to convert Trinity's property into their next Zuccotti-like encampment—a plan that the church opposes because cleanliness is next to godliness, with emptiness not far behind.

According to the New York Post, Packard ended up getting arrested along with a few dozen other OWS protesters. He wasn't the only clergyman to jump the fence, but he was definitely the most fashionably dressed. I want a track suit in that shade of purple. To wear to church, I mean.

Today's OWS's three-month anniversary, by the way. So call up your favorite police brutality YouTubes, make a nice fire, read some romantic poems by Jeffrey Sachs ("the Rod McKuen of contemporary economics"), pour some champagne, and make out with your Guy Fawkes mask.

[Mother Jones]