Bono For New York Times Co. CEO
Hamilton Nolan · 12/16/11 01:21PMChristopher Hitchens' Unforgivable Mistake
John Cook · 12/16/11 12:57PMThe outpouring of grief, goodwill, and teary encomia that has attended news of Christopher Hitchens' passing would—if he was anything like the persona he presented in print—have turned his stomach. He loathed sentiment, welcomed combat, and delighted in inflicting hard truths. In that spirit, it must not be forgotten in mourning him that he got the single most consequential decision in his life horrifically, petulantly wrong.
R. Kelly Is Selling His Home, Closets Included
Leah Beckmann · 12/16/11 12:40PMHow to Mess With Your Friends, and Prevent Yourself from Being Messed With, on New Facebook
Max Read · 12/16/11 12:30PMThe Curious Case of Bradley Manning and the White House Staffer
Adrian Chen · 12/16/11 11:43AMTime to Think About Sex With Grandma
Hamilton Nolan · 12/16/11 11:25AMTea Party Founder Walks Into Airport, Presents Gun, Is Arrested
Hamilton Nolan · 12/16/11 10:15AMWhich Latina Legend Is Being Cheated On?
Leah Beckmann · 12/16/11 10:00AMTSA Agent Leaves Nice Note After Finding Rapper's Weed
Max Read · 12/16/11 09:45AMTSA baggage screeners: not all bad! Sure, it was really creepy when one found Jill Filiopvic's vibrator and left a note saying "get your freak on girl." But wasn't he (or she) just encouraging Filipovic to take care of herself? And listen to this testimonial from rapper Freddie Gibbs, who was cautioned against overindulgence by a baggage screener at the Denver International Airport:
New Yorkers Too Scared to Take Elevators, Reports Fiction Paper
Hamilton Nolan · 12/16/11 09:35AMChristopher Hitchens, 1949-2011
John Cook · 12/16/11 12:23AMChristopher Hitchens, the Clinton-loathing, religion-mocking, Kurd-loving, war-mongering, ball-waxing British drunk who contained multitudes and seemed to be insulting you somehow even when you agreed with him, which was precisely 59% of the time, has died of complications from esophageal cancer at the age of 62.
Stephen Colbert Saves Christmas
Matt Toder · 12/16/11 12:14AMFrom "holiday trees" in state capitols to store greeters saying "Happy Holidays" to mall Santas asked to lower kids' expectations, Stephen Colbert has been shocked and appalled by the War on Christmas. But thankfully all is not lost because the Scottsdale Gun Club, of Scottsdale, AZ, is having people take pictures with Santa and their choice of gun. Santa, guns and your family, isn't that what Christmas, nay America, is really about?
Jon Stewart to the Republican Electorate: 'Don't Do This'
Matt Toder · 12/15/11 11:46PMOn tonight's Daily Show, Jon Stewart used his last show of the year to deliver an impassioned plea to the people who have made Newt Gingrich the latest frontrunner for the Republican nomination; it boiled down to, simply, "don't do this." Stewart trotted out footage of other prominent Conservatives who have major problems with Gingrich but it doesn't seem to matter. After all, nothing can undo Gingrich's greatest quality: not being Mitt Romney.
Live: The Last Iowa Republican Debate
Jim Newell · 12/15/11 08:58PMTonight is that most important of nights for Iowa Republicans: Their final chance to see our beloved field of Republican presidential candidates say the same things they say in every debate. But will they say these things differently? Who will fuck up most comically? Go soak that tampon in grain alcohol, put on a fresh pair of pants, and let's find out — together.
Oakland Mayor Driven from Facebook By Haters
Ryan Tate · 12/15/11 08:35PMWho Had the Dumbest Users In 2011: Facebook, Twitter or Google?
Adrian Chen · 12/15/11 07:26PMThings I Hate About Christmas
Brian Moylan · 12/15/11 06:30PMChristmas is probably my favorite time of the year. There are so many great things about it: candy canes, presents, family togetherness, days off work, drunken holiday parties, crappy Christmas movies on ABC Family, Rudolph! What's not to love? Actually there are a handful of things not to love, and here they are.