Which Couple Split Up Because of Postpartum Depression?
Brian Moylan · 01/12/12 11:30AMIs North Korea Punishing People Who Didn't Mourn Hard Enough?
Max Read · 01/12/12 11:15AMRemember this disturbing video of North Koreans sobbing over Kim Jong-il's death? Shocking to think this, I know, but those people mayyyyy not have been entirely genuine in their mourning. Because, you know, the government reportedly sends people who don't weep or mourn publicly to labor-training camps.
Piss on War: Death, Desecration, and Afghanistan
Hamilton Nolan · 01/12/12 11:00AM
A video emerges showing US Marines pissing on three Taliban corpses in Afghanistan. The outrage machine grinds into motion. The media bestirs itself from its slumber. Americans momentarily pay attention to the war in Afghanistan again. Politicians rush to add their names to the chorus of identical statements. All inflamed over the least bad thing that soldiers do in war.
Mortified Japanese Department Store Cleans Up 'Fuckin Sale'
Adrian Chen · 01/12/12 10:47AMTim Cook Sleeps Near The Enemy
Ryan Tate · 01/12/12 10:17AMManhattan's New Gay Hotel Has Some Sexy Secrets It Wants Everyone to Know
Brian Moylan · 01/12/12 10:08AM
We all know that the horribly-named The Out NYC, Manhattan's soon-to-open gay hotel, is definitely going to be embarrassing and that it will probably be very sexxxy. Well, now we have confirmation that it's going to be dirty. Not only are they going to have a hot, young, all-male staff, but they're going to set up single guests together and offer discount rooms for hot guys.
Damn, This Is One Tiny Frog
Max Read · 01/12/12 09:45AM
Check out this frog. That is one small frog, huh? On a dime, all, daaaamn, what is this enormous metal disk I am on in his tiny high-pitched frog voice. The scientists who discovered this guy couldn't even hear his tiny voice. "It was particularly difficult to locate Paedophryne amauensis," says frog-discover Chris Austin of Louisiana State University, "due to its diminutive size and the males' high pitched insect-like mating call." I bet, man. This frog, Paedophryne amauensis, is 7.7 millimeters long and it is literally the tiniest veterbrate known to human beings. He's all, whatever, though. [Discovery; image via LSU]
Tax on Newspaper Sales Is America's Worst Tax Idea
Hamilton Nolan · 01/12/12 09:19AM
Oklahoma state senator Jim Wilson has a bright idea about how to raise $17 million for his state: put a sales tax back on newspapers and periodicals. Because levying taxes on an industry locked in an economic death spiral is always a good way... destroy that industry more quickly. Also a good way to get a newspaper to stop talking bad about a certain politician who may have an important vote on the state's tax policy. Everybody wins!
Let Us All Come Together to Improve the PR Industry Through Ridicule
Hamilton Nolan · 01/12/12 08:00AM
Public relations is a field populated by an overabundance of liars and morons. (Apologies to the honest, mentally facile minority.) Deadspin used to run a feature called PR Dummies, in which it urged that various PR people be fired, for being dumb. (Generally expressed through dumb press releases.) Our new editor, wistful for this feature, is reviving it here, now that he's out of the sports ghetto and into "the big leagues" of famous blogs. Without further ado: PR Dummies, of the past... day or so.
Are You There, Chelsea in 30 Seconds
Matt Toder · 01/12/12 12:50AMTonight NBC premiered a new sitcom, Are You There, Chelsea wherein Laura Prepon (of That 70's Show) plays Chelsea Handler and Chelsea Handler plays her own older sister. The show is based on one of Handler's memoirs, Are You There Vodka, It's Me Chelsea and even though NBC decided to strike the vodka mention in the title, they left in plenty of alcohol-related sentiment. While it is certainly not as gratuitously offensive and terrible as Work It, it has about the same number of jokes. Here is the show boiled down to its essence.
Stephen Colbert Gets Used to the Idea of President Romney, with Help from Bravo's Andy Cohen
Matt Toder · 01/12/12 12:06AMStephen Colbert just isn't in love with the idea of Mitt Romney becoming President of the United States, which his victories in Iowa and New Hampshire obviously foreshadow. But, that doesn't mean Colbert can't get used to the idea. When Stephen and Andy hash it all out over cosmos, Stephen learns that, sooner or later, everyone has to settle.
Jon Stewart Recaps The New Hampshire Primary
Matt Toder · 01/11/12 11:43PMOn tonight's Daily Show, Jon Stewart gave us his thoughts on the results of the New Hampshire primary. He took a swipe at Mitt Romney's victory speech and the results spin by MSNBC's Lawrence O'Donnell. And Stewart had time for a couple of shots at Jon Huntsman and the victory speech that accompanied his third place finish. Get the jokes in now, Jon, who knows how much longer you'll have Huntsman to kick around.
Let the Web's Greatest Art Critic Teach You About the Latest Rich People Art Thing
Max Read · 01/11/12 06:15PMLong story short, British artist Damien Hirst has been doing these "spot paintings" for a while—they are, literally, paintings of spots; also, technically they are "done" by his assistants—and now he's retrieved them all from collectors and distributed them among 11 Gagosian Galleries in eight countries, and is offering a free art to anyone who goes and sees every single spot painting. In all eight countries. So this is officially a "thing," because it is [whatever word adequately communicates an aggravated eye roll], and since we have nothing of value to say about it really, we will defer to Sister Wendy's spiritual successor Hennessy Youngman, who previously taught us so much about poststructuralism and relational aesthetics on his wonderful show Art Thoughtz.
Bryan Ferry Married His Son's Ex-Girlfriend
Brian Moylan · 01/11/12 06:00PMMarine Corps Investigating 'Marines Peeing on Taliban' Video
Jim Newell · 01/11/12 05:50PMThe People's Choice Awards Suck
Brian Moylan · 01/11/12 05:30PMWolf Blitzer Defends Politicians' Honor in Cute Children's Essay
Jim Newell · 01/11/12 05:15PMYou're Now More Likely to Die From Swallowing Your Own Vomit than From Murder
Hamilton Nolan · 01/11/12 05:00PM
Outstanding news, terrified Americans who watch too many fearmongering cable news crime stories: for the first time in nearly 50 years, homicide is not one of the top 15 causes of death in America. First a black president, and now this! Why, it's damn near impossible to get anyone to kill you these days. America is a safety festival, and everyone under the age of 75 is invited.
Brangelina Infiltrates Oval Office
Maureen O'Connor · 01/11/12 04:32PM
But soft! What light through yonder White House window breaks? It is the Oval Office, and Brangelina is meeting with President Obama, New York Times photographer Doug Mills tweets. This rare alignment of stars can only mean one thing: Tense negotiations between the American government and NAFTA, the Notables Adopting Foreign Toddlers Association. For all the babies in the Mariana Islands, Brad Pitt will solve the recession by gazing deeply into its eyes and whispering something sexy.