Let Us All Come Together to Improve the PR Industry Through Ridicule

Public relations is a field populated by an overabundance of liars and morons. (Apologies to the honest, mentally facile minority.) Deadspin used to run a feature called PR Dummies, in which it urged that various PR people be fired, for being dumb. (Generally expressed through dumb press releases.) Our new editor, wistful for this feature, is reviving it here, now that he's out of the sports ghetto and into "the big leagues" of famous blogs. Without further ado: PR Dummies, of the past... day or so.

From: Ronn Torossian
Date: Tue, Jan 10, 2012 at 6:29 PM
Subject: OLIVIA MUNN PHOTO - SHOPPING IN NYCSPOTTED: Sexy actress Olivia Munn shopping for Tropicana Trop50 Orange Juice drink in NYC. Trop 50 has 50 percent less calories and 50 percent less sugar than the average juice. Photo credit: 5WPR
That was the whole email.
To nominate future PR Dummies, please forward press releases and assorted other materials here.