How to Make a 'Shit People Say' Video
Brian Moylan · 01/11/12 03:20PMThe Non Sports Fan's Guide to Tim Tebow
Max Read · 01/11/12 03:10PM
Everybody is talking about Tim Tebow. Except for you. Who is Tim Tebow? you're asking yourself, after spending 10 minutes nodding silently while coworkers discussed his game this weekend against the Patriots. (What sport is this? you are probably also asking. For the record: football.) It's okay, non sports fan: here is your exclusive guide to Tim Tebow.
Google Says Please Apply in Writing To Enter Search Results
Ryan Tate · 01/11/12 02:55PMAn Excellent Compilation of Mitt Romney Acting Foolishly
Jim Newell · 01/11/12 02:45PMNewt Gingrich already has ads running in South Carolina attacking Mitt Romney as "pro-abortion," and his Super PAC is planning to drop a socialist neutron bomb on Romney's career at Bain Capital, thanks to a large donation from a viciously anti-labor casino magnate billionaire. And here's yet another, lighter attack: A compliation of Mitt Romney saying ludicrous things. (Newt Gingrich, see, has never said anything ludicrous in his life.) Who can resist? Especially since it includes the "Who Let the Dogs Out" MLK Day moment of 2008, the pinnacle of Romney's career.
Media Stories Achieve Post-Pointlessness; or, Entry Level Job Interview Conducted in Car
Hamilton Nolan · 01/11/12 01:56PM
It's reassuring for me, as a writer, to know that if all else fails and my entire career crumbles to pieces, I can always survive by selling Slate literally any story about anything I have ever done. I can derive an entirely new income stream for a period of time equal to the length of my entire writing career, by writing thousands of new stories recounting each individual day of my career, and the exciting—or unexciting—lessons I learned, or did not learn. It doesn't matter that that would be pointless; "pointlessness" is a concept that does not translate to the internet. We're living in a post-pointless era. Enjoy it.
'Human Zoo' Allowed Tourists to Throw Bananas at Islanders
Maureen O'Connor · 01/11/12 01:07PMOl' Dirty Bastard's FBI File: Wu-Crimes and Tons of Guns
Hamilton Nolan · 01/11/12 12:53PMWhich Actress Is Sleeping with the Director She Supposedly Despises?
Brian Moylan · 01/11/12 11:05AMAnother Iranian Nuclear Scientist Totally Randomly Blown Up
Adrian Chen · 01/11/12 10:55AMHostess Bankrupt; Ding Dongs in Peril
Hamilton Nolan · 01/11/12 10:42AM
Hostess, the maker of Twinkies, Ding Dongs, Ho Hos, Suzy Q's, Sno Balls, Zingers, and Donettes, among other god damn delicious products, is bankrupt. For the second time in eight years. Labor costs, debt load, flour prices, blah blah blah. What will it take to save Hostess? Will it take Hostess sending out cases of its delicious products out to various popular online media sites, to "build buzz?" Now is the time to find out.
Don't Act Like You Just Found Out Pat Buchanan Is Racist, You Hypocrites
Hamilton Nolan · 01/11/12 10:00AM
Former Nixonite and coonskin cap-wearing sometime presidential candidate Pat Buchanan has always been a racist relic who appealed mostly to those caveman-like Americans anxious for a return to the Andrew Jackson era. Always. There has never been a time, during his long career as a smiley pundit, in which he was not a racist. So. Although it's kind of nice that he's been suspended by MSNBC, it's the media equivalent of giving all the homeless people in your city a one-way bus ticket just as long as the Olympics are in town.
NYPD Wins Over Foreign Friends by Arresting Tourist for Crazy Person's Made-Up Crime
Max Read · 01/11/12 09:46AMStephen Colbert Supports Romney On His 'Firing People' Gaffe
Matt Toder · 01/11/12 12:17AMThe rest of the Republican nominees took Mitt Romney to task over his "I like firing people" remark, but Stephen Colbert is standing behind old Mitt. On tonight's Colbert Report, Stephen made his clear his feelings about Romney's words: they were taken out of context in a way that was completely different from Romney taking President Obama's words regarding John McCain out of context in November. The point is this: as long as Romney is happy firing people, Stephen Colbert is happy to see them fired.
Jon Stewart Takes a Break From the Republican Primary to Check In on Iran
Matt Toder · 01/10/12 11:44PMThere's been so much hoopla surrounding the Republican primaries, what with debates and caucuses and attack ads and Super PACs, that it's easy to forget there's a great big world out there. On tonight's Daily Show, Jon Stewart checked in on Iran and the latest news on their uranium enrichment program. They claim it is for research purposes, the United States doesn't agree, and then there's that all that nasty business about blockading the Straight of Hormuz and sentencing Iranian-Americans to death for spying. It's like living in a sweeping epic that probably won't have a Hollywood ending.
Mounting Fury Over Google's Use of Private Data
Ryan Tate · 01/10/12 09:41PMLive: The New Hampshire Primary
Jim Newell · 01/10/12 07:38PM
It's time to cover the results of the First Primary in the Nation, New Hampshire — that famous outlier among the Republican coalition that doesn't tell you much about anything! Mitt Romney is expected to win, but will he win by enough? That's how we're sucking you in tonight. If Mitt Romney doesn't get 52% of the vote, or let's say 100%, his campaign is over. Grab your assault rifle and poor a beer down your ear, as we watch — together.
Keith Olbermann Objects to 'Some Ball-less Clown' Talking About Him
Hamilton Nolan · 01/10/12 06:08PMChildren of the Romneys: A Horror Movie by Tagg Romney
Maureen O'Connor · 01/10/12 05:33PM
With "nothing left to do" on the campaign trail, the Romneys went to the movies this afternoon, where Tagg demonstrated the worst way for a pale-eyed family to pose for a picture: In a dim theater in front of a camera with a flash, which will turn all of their perfect blue eyes into glowing orbs of horror.