
Open Thread: The Florida Presidential Debate, Featuring 'Mean Mitt'

Jim Newell · 01/23/12 08:57PM

Mitt Romney is in trouble — he's losing to Newt Gingrich, the worst presidential candidate in history who isn't named Mitt Romney. What sort of indignant attacks will he pull on Gingrich tonight, now that he's vowed to stop being such a baby? Let's watch and discuss, together, in this Open Thread. The debate starts now at 9:00, on NBC.

Your Google Pseudonym Must Be Approved in Google Court

Ryan Tate · 01/23/12 06:35PM

The anxious cyborgs who rule Google have decreed, after much controversy and deliberation, that they will alllow people to register accounts that do not match their official hu-man names. All you need to do to obtain a pseudonym is to furnish a printed "offline" news article, government document, popular Twitter account and three (3) types of bodily fluid.

Washington State Is Going to Legalize Gay Marriage

Brian Moylan · 01/23/12 06:00PM

A marriage equality bill is all but ensured to be passed in the Washington state legislature and will be signed into law by their governor, making it the seventh state in the country to allow gay men and lesbians to get married (well, to members of the same sex, that is). Congratulations, Seattle, you're about to get that much more self righteous.

The Creepy New Facebook for the Staggeringly Rich and Powerful

Ryan Tate · 01/23/12 04:45PM

You can only join the exclusive new social network TopCom if you're among the 200 richest people in the world. Then again, if you're on hand in Davos Switzerland when TopCom is unveiled by scary software compant Tibco, there's a pretty good chance you're in that group.

Hackers Briefly Make Sen. Chuck Grassley's Twitter Feed Readable

Jim Newell · 01/23/12 04:35PM

Iowa Sen. Chuck Grassley is an incredulous old coot who likes to tweet unreadable shorthand nonsense, constantly, and then lash out at those who would make fun of him. Whenever the federal government gets around to killing off the dumb Internet once and for all, they should leave Grassley's Twitter page up as a memorial to fun times lost. Here's a useful perspective for considering how unorthodox Grassley's feed is: When hackers broke into it today, their tweets were instantly more professional than the graffiti that one of our most senior Senators usually vomits out from his phone.

Jersey Shore Cast Smarter And Better Educated Than Most, Claims Sammi Sweetheart

A.J. Daulerio · 01/23/12 04:12PM

Just because they are sometimes portrayed as delightfully dim and overly tanned, most of the JS cast members are actually, potentially, possibly college graduates. For instance, did you know that Vinny has a degree in something? And Snooki also took classes in college. "We all are very smart in our own way," Sammi Giancola tells Naughty But Nice Rob. She herself is only one semester away from finishing her degree in something, so look out world.

The Secrets of the Republican Hair Helmet

Brian Moylan · 01/23/12 03:48PM

This has been a remarkably entertaining Republican primary season. Amidst all the insanity, there is one thing that is so odd, unnatural, and reprehensible that it boggles my mind. No, I'm not talking about Rick Santorum. I'm talking about Callista Gingrich's hair. Her butter-blonde helmet is a feat of modern engineering. How does she get it just so?

Congressional Candidate's Aide Comes Home to Dead Cat with 'Liberal' Scrawled on Its Side

Jim Newell · 01/23/12 03:04PM

Jake Burris, campaign manager for Arkansas 3rd District congressional candidate Ken Aden, returned home with his family last night and found their cat lying dead on the front porch with "LIBERAL"scrawled across its side. The cat, according to Aden's campaign, "had one side of its head bashed in to the point the cat's eyeball was barely hanging from its socket." You can view the somewhat disturbing photo here. (You can't make out the bashed-in head or danging eyeball, fortunately.)

Senator Mark Kirk Suffers a Stroke, Could Have Lasting Damage

Jim Newell · 01/23/12 01:35PM

First-term Illinois Sen. Mark Kirk suffered a stroke this weekend and is now recovering from surgery. He had driven himself to the hospital "where doctors discovered a carotid artery dissection in the right side of his neck," according to his office. A neurosurgeon at the hospital says the stroke was on the right side of his brain, which "will affect his ability to move his left arm and possibly his left leg" and could result in "some facial paralysis." But it shouldn't affect his ability to speak or think.

Rand Paul Is So Full of Shit About Being 'Detained' by the TSA

Max Read · 01/23/12 01:11PM

Kentucky Senator Rand Paul (of the Paul Libertarian Blimp Empire) hates the TSA. It's his "signature issue" — his contentious questioning about the agency's aggressive security policies got him a lot of positive press among internet conservatives and libertarians last year. So must have been really excited, just, positively tumescent when TSA agents asked to pat him down this morning, and he refused. "Just got a call from @senrandpaul. He's currently being detained by TSA in Nashville," his communications director Moira Bagley Tweeted shortly after. The only thing is, though, Rand Paul was never actually "detained" by the TSA.

People Say Really Stupid Things About The Wire on OKCupid

Brian Moylan · 01/23/12 12:55PM

The Wire is one of my favorite shows of all time and, yes, one of the best shows ever on television. That does not mean a show about urban blight, broken systems, drug dealers, and the strange Baltimore accent is going to get you laid. Probably the opposite in fact. But that doesn't mean people aren't using The Wire to try to get dates on OKCupid.