Dogs Need to Shut Up About Cats
Hamilton Nolan · 01/30/12 01:23PMSarah Palin Has Totally Forgotten How to Annoy Liberals
Jim Newell · 01/30/12 12:50PMHere's former political person Sarah Palin continuing her weird quest to endorse Newt Gingrich without really endorsing him, telling weekend Fox News muppet Jeanine Pirro that Republicans should vote for Newt Gingrich now to "rage against the machine" and "annoy a liberal."
Zooey Deschanel Receiving Free Publicity
Max Read · 01/30/12 12:25PMA Theory As to Why So Many People on the Internet Have an Insatiable Crush on Azealia Banks
Hamilton Nolan · 01/30/12 12:03PMI think it's because she talks about oral sex just as much as Lil Kim but instead of Biggie in the background there's some kinda nerdy guy and so some people on the internet do a double take and say "The pretty smiling dancing girl in pigtails and short shorts who loves oral sex sometimes hangs out with kinda nerdy guys? Ah HMMMM."
Super Powerful Club Drug Cures Depression Instantly
Hamilton Nolan · 01/30/12 11:23AM
Neuropsychiatric researchers say that although traditional antidepressants can take weeks to work, depressed patients who are given BANANAS 'PAUSE BUTTON ON YOUR BRAIN' K-HOLE-INDUCING CLUB DRUG KETAMINE A.K.A. SPECIAL K feel relief from their depression "almost instantly." But could huge shots of heroin combined with a baseball bat to the head be equally effective? Ketamine-receiving patients say [just stares at the wall].
Dad of the Year Mass-Texts Teen Girl's Nude Pic to 'Teach Her a Lesson'
Hamilton Nolan · 01/30/12 10:46AMWhich Member of the Royal Family Likes Cocaine?
Brian Moylan · 01/30/12 10:25AMHow to Tell Whether You're Being Hugged or Stabbed
Hamilton Nolan · 01/30/12 10:02AM
To the Windy City, where a man's painful dilemma may redeem itself by serving as a teaching experience for us all. The Chicago Tribune reports the harrowing nightmare of friendship gone awry: "A 24-year-old man is hospitalized after being stabbed outside of a Wrigleyville dance bar early this morning by a man who seemingly was about to give the victim a hug."
NYPD Doubts That NYPD Commissioner's Son Is a Rapist
Hamilton Nolan · 01/30/12 09:21AMHere Is the Best Hip Hop Song Ever Made
Hamilton Nolan · 01/30/12 08:49AM"The World Is Yours," Nas.
Storage Units Are Not Appropriate Burial Sites
Louis Peitzman · 01/29/12 06:00PM
I've often wondered what would happen if someone found a dead body on Storage Wars. We'll still have to wait for that episode, but U.S.A. Today picked up on a mildly gross, mostly kind of sad story out of Tampa. Local news reports that it was bad luck and not foul play that led Ann Bunch's daughter to entomb her dead mom in a storage unit for 17 years.
More Than 400 Occupy Protesters Have Been Arrested in Oakland
Louis Peitzman · 01/29/12 04:53PM
The number keeps rising, but Reuters is now saying more than 400 Occupy Oakland protesters have been arrested as Saturday night's protests continue into Sunday. That's obviously a pretty significant number, and it trumps the "between 200 and 300" number authorities gave earlier in the day. As has been the case throughout the Occupy movement, police officers and government officials claim they are only doing their jobs of maintaining the peace, while protesters insist the authorities are going way overboard.
"Born This Way" or Gay By Choice: Does It Matter?
Louis Peitzman · 01/29/12 03:55PM
We know what Lady Gaga would say, but what if queerness isn't simply a matter of genetics? What if some of us choose to be gay? That's a more controversial question than it should be — after all, there's nothing inherently wrong with being gay, so it shouldn't matter that some people, for reasons of their own, have opted into it. Nevertheless, Cynthia Nixon pissed off a huge chunk of the LGBT community when she told The New York Times Magazine that she chooses to be gay.
You Can Help Martin Scorsese Fight Dog Breedism
Louis Peitzman · 01/29/12 02:36PM
As some of us continue to lament Academy Awards snubs, Martin Scorsese has embarked on a nobler cause. The director of the Oscar-nominated Hugo feels that his film's dog, a Doberman named Blackie, was unfairly overlooked by the prestigious Golden Collar Awards. (Actually, these are the first annual Golden Collar Awards, but I treat all animal-related contests with the esteem they deserve.)
Gingrich Calls Romney a Liar — And Worse, a Former Liberal
Louis Peitzman · 01/29/12 01:31PMDemi Moore's 911 Call: Invasion of Privacy Edited to Protect Privacy
Louis Peitzman · 01/29/12 12:35PM
I really hope someone at the L.A. City Attorney's Office appreciates the asinine logic here. TMZ reports that Demi Moore's 911 call — the one in which a friend said Demi had smoked something "like incense" — was edited to remove specific drug references. Because, you know, that totally makes a difference.
Cannibal Axe Murderer Wants to Ruin Oysters for You
Louis Peitzman · 01/29/12 11:48AMReese Witherspoon Romantic Comedy Has Alternate Endings to Hate
Louis Peitzman · 01/29/12 10:45AM
You'll have to wait until Valentine's Day to see This Means War, a romantic comedy in which Reese Witherspoon (along with the women and gay men in the audience) must choose between Chris Pine and Tom Hardy. I haven't seen the movie, so I can't fairly judge it — but I will, a little. Especially after an interview in which director McG admitted to shooting multiple endings in order to prevent people from finding out which hottie Witherspoon's character ends up with.