Jon Stewart Can't Believe He Is Still Surprised By the Republican Candidates
Matt Toder · 02/23/12 11:32PMOn tonight's Daily Show, Jon Stewart turned his attention to last night's Republican debate. Besides being miffed that we've had to endure twenty of these events, Stewart also couldn't believe Mitt Romney misquoting Seinfeld, Rick Santorum's reasonable explanations and the one word each candidate used to define himself.
Wisconsin Grifters Characteristically Low-Key
Caity Weaver · 02/23/12 10:36PMMaryland On Track to Approve Gay Marriage
Caity Weaver · 02/23/12 09:29PMThinspo a No-No for Tumblr
Caity Weaver · 02/23/12 08:42PMMeat Loaf and Lucy Liu and Ghosts
Caity Weaver · 02/23/12 07:13PMBarney Frank Is Charming As Ever on Jimmy Kimmel Live
Matt Toder · 02/23/12 01:10AMBarney Frank is retiring from Congress and also marrying his longtime boyfriend in the near future, which means he had plenty of charming material while guesting on tonight's Jimmy Kimmel Live. He's really one of the good guys.
Stephen Colbert and Nancy Pelosi Debate the Ethics of Super PACs
Matt Toder · 02/23/12 12:18AMTonight on the Colbert Report, Stephen Colbert welcomed House Democratic Leader Nancy Pelosi even though she had previously told Stephen she would never appear on the show. The two debated the ethics of Super PACs and the Disclose Act in a spirited and insightful discussion.
Should Valets Be Responsible for Policing Drunks?
Caity Weaver · 02/22/12 11:40PMJon Stewart Can't Believe the Republicans' Crazy Predictions for Obama's Second Term
Matt Toder · 02/22/12 11:31PMBack in 2008, President Obama's political opponents made a lot of predictions about what an Obama presidency would do to America. The reality didn't quite live up to their socialist, fundamental Islamist hype. What are they doing in now that it is 2012 and Obama is seeking a second term? The exact same thing: making ridiculous predictions about what will come in the next four years.
Quiz Time: Can You Pick Out the Best Sign from Tonight's GOP Debate?
Caity Weaver · 02/22/12 10:48PMBad News, Ladies: Men Might Not Be Headed For Extinction After All
Caity Weaver · 02/22/12 09:02PMSubstitute Sadist
Caity Weaver · 02/22/12 07:57PMAt Least Dick Whitman Earned His Purple Heart
Caity Weaver · 02/22/12 07:02PMThe NYPD Zagat Guide to Newark’s Best (and Most Threatening) Muslim Restaurants
Max Read · 02/22/12 01:52PM
Last night, the AP broke the news that the New York Police Department had spent months spying on Muslims in Newark, N.J. "The result was a 60-page report," AP reporter Adam Goldman writes, "containing brief summaries of businesses and their clientele." But was it a surveillance file... or just a guide to Newark's best Muslim restaurants?
Bill O'Reilly Insists We Need to Cut Santorum and Gingrich Some Slack
Matt Toder · 02/22/12 12:55AMBill O'Reilly appeared on the Tonight Show tonight and, no surprise here, defended Rick Santorum and Newt Gingrich. Santorum, in O'Reilly's view, is so inexperienced that we shouldn't hold what he says against him and apparently Gingrich has had some sort of spiritual awakening which renders of all his past hypocrisies moot. The appearance was basically O'Reilly insisting that Santorum and Gingrich are viable candidates, especially as alternatives to Mitt Romney, whose name only came up once when it was uttered by Jay Leno.
Stephen Colbert Takes President Obama to Task Over His Super PAC Flip Flop
Matt Toder · 02/22/12 12:12AMAs we all know, Stephen Colbert loves his Super PAC and so he was a little miffed when President Obama came out against them in the State of the Union address. But, then Obama decided to take money from one, making him the Darth Maul to Colbert's Emperor Palpatine. The Star Wars jokes never get old apparently.
Science Finds Humans Aren’t Inherently Nasty; "Call Me Miss Jackson Anyway," Says Miss Jackson
Caity Weaver · 02/21/12 11:54PMJon Stewart Explains Privacy and Liberty to Virginia's Transvaginal Ultrasound-Wielding Governor
Matt Toder · 02/21/12 11:45PMVirginia's Governor is about to sign a bill into law forcing women who seek an abortion to be subjected to a transvaginal ultrasound. This obviously does not sit well with rational thinkers, among them Jon Stewart. On tonight's Daily Show, Stewart took a look at all the idiocy and hypocrisy that is behind this terrible soon-to-be law.