Americans Hate California Even More Than They Hate New Jersey

California is America's least popular state, according to the results of a nationwide poll.
The Public Policy Polling firm, based in Raleigh, North Carolina, conducted phone interviews with 3,300 Americans over the course of four months to determine the results. Participants were asked to indicate whether their opinions of a given state were favorable, unfavorable, or whether they weren't sure.
The firm found that, surprise, surprise, Americans are big fans of America: more people reported favorable views than unfavorable views for virtually every state.
The exceptions were these unpopular places, currently crying into one another's shoulders and swearing that everyone else is just jealous (we're not):
1. California (27% favorable and 44% unfavorable)
2. Illinois (19-29)
3. New Jersey (25-32)
4. Mississippi (22-28)
5. Utah (24-27)
Despite its preponderance of cursed tikis, Hawaii was found to be the best loved state (54% favorable; 10% unfavorable), followed by Colorado.
40% of respondents described themselves as Democrats, versus 37% who self-identified as Republicans. The remainder identified themselves as "Independent/Other."
As one might expect, the greatest partisan gap was found in the state of California, which Democrats liked 91 points more than did Republicans. The second greatest gap was in Texas, a state Republicans favored more than Democrats by a margin of 82 points.
[Image via Getty]