
Christian Siriano: Having a Moment All the Time

Daniel Barnum-Swett · 04/06/10 01:21PM

Christian Siriano had many moments on his one hour Bravo special: schmoozing with celebrities and reaching out to fans, freaking out with the last minute minutiae of his third Bryant Park show, edging Tori Spelling toward filicide....

The Crappiest Outfit $15,500 Can Buy

Maureen O'Connor · 03/30/10 09:06PM

Balmain recently debuted a thousand-dollar shredded t-shirt, which got us thinking: How much money could you waste on a t-shirt, jeans, and a trash bag to schlep your empty wallet? Behold, the $15,500 homeless person outfit.

The Night Brooklyn Took Manhattan

Adrian Chen · 03/18/10 10:47PM

They came on foot, by bicycle and skateboard. They filled the Soho streets like a dirty flood. Traffic was blocked and the Fire Department was called. It was an art opening for pictures of naked people and everyone was there.

Karl Lagerfeld Prefers Hookers to Heartfelt Sex

Maureen O'Connor · 03/18/10 12:25AM

Sunglasses are "my burka" and porn is how the poor may approximate his escort-laden life. Chanel's dramatic creative director gave a ridiculously long interview to Vice in which he dismissed Anna Wintour and supported wearing fur. A Cliff's Notes guide.

FCUK Downsizing Devastating for Shiny Shirt Wearers · 03/15/10 05:34AM

French Connection is cutting its number of US stores from 23 to 6, leaving a gaping void in Meatpacking District clubgoers' wardrobes. The announcement may spark a rush on remaining inventory of shiny shirts, sending stock prices up. [WSJ]