Well, at least in his own mind, he is. The North Korean communist newspaper Rodong Sinmun says that Kim's drab track suit, called the Pyongyang, is the newest trend sweeping the globe. Make way on the imaginary runways.

First it was jumpsuits and "jeggings" and now this! The paper says that the outfit, usually in a muddy brown or blue-gray color, is so popular because the fashion world views Kim as an icon. "The reason is that the august image of the Great General, who is always wearing the modest suit while working, leaves a deep impression on people's mind in the world. To sum it up, that is because his image as a great man is so outstanding," it says. They even quote a make-believe unnamed French fashion source to back up their claims about the great leader. We bet it was the ghost of Coco Chanel that the Ministry of Seances called up to testify for Kim Jong-Il. That is the only logical explanation for this newest torturous trend.

[Image via Getty]