
Sharyl Attkisson Resigns from CBS for Future in Conservative Punditry

J.K. Trotter · 03/10/14 03:32PM

Long-time investigative reporter Sharyl Attkisson, who has repeatedly suggested that dark government forces secretly infiltrated her home and work computers in order to make them act weird, is finally resigning from CBS News. Attkisson tweeted her resignation on Monday afternoon, just as Politico reported that her contentious contract negotiations fell apart over Attkisson’s belief that CBS suffered from a “liberal bias”:

Donald Trump Staffer Fires Self Over BuzzFeed Profile

J.K. Trotter · 02/17/14 12:10PM

It’s not easy working for Donald Trump. Following BuzzFeed’s lengthy evisceration of the real estate titan’s presidential ambitions, one of Trump’s aides, Sam Nunberg, resigned from Trump’s full-time staff. Nunberg confirmed the resignation to Brian Stelter in an email, later obtained by Betsy Rothstein of The Daily Caller, in which he responds to BuzzFeed’s McKay Coppins, whom Nunberg allowed to interview his former boss:

A Dreary Look Back at Jon Huntsman's Failed Presidential Campaign

Jim Newell · 01/16/12 12:23PM

It's a tearful day in the world of cosmopolitan magazines and television studios, as the infamously sane Republican presidential candidate Jon Huntsman has dropped out of the race, due to a near-total void of interest in his campaign among Republican primary voters. How did this relatively competent-seeming person lose his support so dramatically? Well, he didn't; he never had any support. So let's remember his anemic campaign with a gallery of some funny photos and ludicrous screen shots.

Hank Williams Jr. Packs It In

Jim Newell · 10/06/11 02:57PM

Hank William Jr. has had it with the political correctness of the Hitler-ish ESPN sports television corporation. You will never hear his "Are you ready for some football" song on Monday Night Football ever again. He's refusing the to lend the economy his productive services, now, after being treated so badly for sharing his political views on Fox & Friends Monday morning. Either that, or he got fired.

Groupon Exec Jumps Ship for Google

Adrian Chen · 09/23/11 04:07PM

Here's another sign, if one was needed, that Groupon is coming unhinged when it can least afford it: The company's COO, Margo Georgiadis, has jumped ship after just five short months for her old employer, Google.

A Tyrant Editor Loses His Reporter

Ryan Tate · 09/20/11 09:52PM

Matthew Winkler was down under last week, and on top of the world. The Bloomberg co-founder interviewed the Aussie prime minister, and gushed in a laudatory Australian profile that "it's really an extraordinary time to be around, to be alive, to be a journalist — to be at Bloomberg News.'' One of his reporters very much disagreed. (Or not — see her statement in the update below.)

Yahoo's CEO Is Cussing Her Way Out the Door

Ryan Tate · 09/08/11 01:45PM

If there were any correlation whatsoever between cursing and profits, Carol Bartz would never have been fired from atop Yahoo. As things stand, she's swearing up a storm about how she was "fucked over."

Is Groupon's Bizarre CEO Ruining His IPO?

Ryan Tate · 08/30/11 08:16PM

There's something charming about Andrew Mason's goofiness. "I feel like clout is something that builds up on your teeth," the Groupon CEO once told Today in response to a question about his influence. But with two top lieutenants out the door in as many weeks, you have to wonder if the antics are starting to grate.

Furry Congressman David Wu Resigns

Jim Newell · 07/26/11 11:44AM

Oregon Rep. David Wu, a tigersuit-clad furry sex monster, apparently won't sit out the rest of his House term before resigning. He's issued a statement announcing his imminent resignation — just as soon as the debt ceiling debacle draws to a close, which it never will.

Ron Paul Is Retiring From Congress

Jim Newell · 07/12/11 12:44PM

Texas congressman, libertaria agitator, and Internet deity Ron Paul has decided to wrap up his 12-term legacy of automatic "no" votes to every single bill. He will not run for his House seat in the next election. Good for him! If he stayed around much longer, he'd run the risk of becoming a bitter old crank.

Tim Geithner Is Finally Ready to Quit

Jim Newell · 06/30/11 05:15PM

Who's the last remaining initial member of President Obama's core economic team? The one people really don't like, Treasury Secretary Tim Geithner. But this job and his term as president of the New York Fed immediately proceeding it are exhausting him. It's backbreaking work, hoisting that money-launching cannon aimed at bankers all day. He's ready to quit.

Newt Gingrich's Top Finance Aides Quit over Lack of Finance

Jim Newell · 06/21/11 01:57PM

Newt Gingrich still had some presidential campaign staffers after 16 of his top aides quit en masse a couple of weeks ago. It only takes a few, right? Perhaps. But his top campaign finance advisers just quit too, so he really should end his campaign and take whatever few dollars remain to pay himself a PAC salary for a few months.

Anybody Got a Camera for Anthony Weiner?

Jim Newell · 06/21/11 12:01PM

The staff for resigning Rep. Anthony Weiner are feeling awfully sentimental today as they clean out the office. Wouldn't you? I mean you'd be losing your job, for Christ's sake — and there are literally no other jobs available in America!