
College Professors Are Not in Shape!

Hamilton Nolan · 05/09/11 10:49AM

Is teach pale, a beached whale? A new study out of the normally conscientious nation of Canada indicates that assistant professors in that peaceful nation's institutes of higher learning are woefully deficient in the "Fourth R": exercise.

Beyoncé Sneaks Up on Teen Girls Dancing to Her Song

Maureen O'Connor · 05/04/11 01:24PM

There are ways to summon magical beings: A tooth under the pillow summons the tooth fairy. Clapping saves Tinkerbell. And a gymnasium full of school children line dancing to "Move Your Body" guarantees that Beyoncé shows up. Here's another video of stiletto-clad Beyoncé materializing during a "Move Your Body" workout, this time at P.S. 161 in Harlem. Apparently giving tween girls heart attacks is part of Michelle Obama's Let's Move campaign? Although these girls are actually pretty blasé. I can't decide if they knew that Beyoncé was coming, or were just like, "Oh, like the viral video. Duh."

Snooki Has a Very Strange Diet

Brian Moylan · 04/22/11 05:43PM

Snooki is known for eating fried pickles and drinking sugary cocktails that come in glasses larger than her head—including the pouf (RIP)! Now we hear that she's on a diet to slim down for the next season of Jersey Shore. Say what?

Voracious Americans Demand More Calories in Snak Paks

Hamilton Nolan · 04/21/11 02:53PM

Cookie monsters! Fewer french fries! Cancer exercise! Lo-carb crapola! Dumb dieters! Daniel Baldwin's workout! Grip strength! Dip belts! Inspirational marathoners! And a NYSC dance instructor must be rehired at once! It's your Thursday Fitness Watch, where we watch fitness—feverishly!

'What's the Single Best Exercise?': A Retort

Hamilton Nolan · 04/15/11 10:41AM

Never, ever, take fitness advice from the New York Times. We've made this point before. They're always spouting off about getting "thin" with some sort of limp-wristed jogging workout. In neon shorts. In Central Park. When you're not skiing, in Aspen, and then reading the New York Times by a roaring fire, in a resort, sipping on probably some nice Earl Grey, not even thinking about Muscle Milk at all.

Because Aerobics Suck, That's Why

Hamilton Nolan · 03/16/11 04:15PM

Dog fitness coaches! Firefighter fitness plan! Hoosier fitness shame! Rihanna fitness secrets! Republican fitness DVD! Bachelor fitness freak! And aerobic fitness sham! It's your Wednesday fitness watch, where we watch your fitness—until we vomit with pride!

Good Morning America Tests Out Awkward Exercise Equipment

Lauren Soroken · 03/16/11 02:10PM

GMA host Robin Roberts and fitness expert Becky Worley grade some of the latest infomercial exercise equipment (Zumba came out on top with an A-). Watch Roberts don her special shiny exercise leggings to try out the goods.

Running a Lot Will Kill You

Hamilton Nolan · 03/09/11 04:33PM

Will running kill you, as you always suspected, and as you vocally informed your mom and dad and P.E. coach and personal trainer and random passersby at the gym and the park and on the subway? Yes. Yes it will.

Women Smell Like Manipulation

Hamilton Nolan · 02/22/11 05:17PM

Woman smells! Animal behavior! Old people brains! STD testing! Allergies forever! Oil cleanup health! Fat dogs! Fat surgery! From death to business! And other conventional wisdom! It's your Tuesday Health Watch, where we watch your health—with ulterior motives!

Hot New Exercise: Standing on a Jiggling Platform

Adrian Chen · 02/12/11 05:16PM

According to the New York Times, the hot new exercise trend is... standing on a jiggling platform. Apparently standing on a specially-designed vibrating platform may increase strength and stamina for short periods of times. From the Times:

Diet Coke Will Also Kill You, FYI

Hamilton Nolan · 02/09/11 05:44PM

Breast cancer shocker! Gum healthiness! Lonely exercising! Teen girl suicide! Young strokes! Egg cholesterol! Diet soda heart attack! Baby obesity! And L.A.'s official guide to ecstasy! It's your Wednesday Health Watch, where we watch your health—while rolling, in the official style!

Man Runs 365 Marathons in 365 Days

Max Read · 02/07/11 02:12AM

On Saturday, 49-year-old Belgian runner Stefaan Engels completed his 365th marathon. In a row. That's 9,569 miles in seven different countries, averaging about four hours a marathon. Dude: There are easier ways to get book deals.

Sherri Shepherd Shows Off Her Crazy Workout Face

Madeleine Davies · 01/28/11 02:03PM

Today's View had Sherri trying out an exercise called the "superman banana." If you think it sounds crazy, wait until you see the faces she makes while doing it.