
Solstice Sister

Brian Moylan · 12/22/10 07:01PM

[Modern day Druids celebrated the Winter Solstice—the shortest day of the year—at Stonehenge this morning. For some reason the song "Rhiannon" is now stuck in my head. Image via Getty]

Eight-Year-Olds Publish Study in Respected Science Journal

Max Read · 12/21/10 08:58PM

"High powered" science journal Biology Letters is publishing a paper about the way bees use color and space to navigate between flowers. It was written by 25 co-authors, all of whom are between the ages of 8 and 10.

British Minister Determined To Block Porn

Ryan Tate · 12/21/10 08:44PM

By all accounts, people keep telling Ed Vaizey his idea is insane and won't work. But the British communications minister is determined to try and force internet subscribers to proactively request online porn; otherwise it would be blocked by default.

Julian Assange's English Mansion Awaits

Ryan Tate · 12/14/10 07:09PM

The Brits should soon release Julian Assange on bail. Assuming a pending appeal of the bail ruling is batted down, Assange will go rest in a "handsome modern erection" of a manse in the Suffolk, England countryside.

Swine Flu Returns

Adrian Chen · 12/11/10 01:05PM

Remember Swine Flu? It was this special food poisoning or something? It's back! Eight people have died of H1N1 since September in England. Experts don't expect another pandemic, but brush up on your H1N1-proof sexual positions just in case.

Angry Students Attack Prince Charles and Camilla

Adrian Chen · 12/09/10 08:36PM

Students protesting a university tuition fee hike in London mobbed a Rolls Royce carrying Prince Charles and his wife Camilla last night as they headed to the theater. As they say in the UK: Shite just got real.

The King Goes Motown

Brian Moylan · 12/06/10 07:30PM

[A man inspects a Mercedes limo that was once owned by Elvis Presley and which was auctioned off along with other automotive collectibles in England today. Image via Getty]

Meet Katia Zatuliveter, Britain's Very Own Sexy Alleged Spy

Max Read · 12/06/10 12:01AM

A 25-year-old parliamentary aide was arrested by British authorities on Thursday, and currently faces deportation. For spying! Yes, only a few months after it was cool to have a sexy Russian sleeper agent, the U.K. finally gets their own.

British Student Protesters Stage Attack on Conservative Party Headquarters

Jim Newell · 11/10/10 01:06PM

50,000 British students took to London's streets today to protest the Conservative/Lib-Dem coalition's sharp university tuition hikes, and all had a jolly good time. Some even started smashing, vandalizing, and occupying the Tories' headquarters. It was pretty fierce!