It's not breaking news that boinking a politician can really boost a call girl's career, but Eliot Spitzer's speed dial favorite Ashley Dupre is sure milking her fifteen minutes for all they're worth (and, apparently, they're worth a lot). Ashley, aka "Kristen," has gone from cokehead hooker to pop star and potential Penthouse pet in under a week, and it was only a matter of time before Girls Gone Wild parolee Joe Francis dug his grubby claws into her newfound fame. After recently offering Dupre $1 million to ride along on one of his pervy bus tours and getting denied, the annoyingly clever Francis dipped into his sticky archives and managed to dig out five-year old footage of none other than Ashley herself. To see how Ashley partied at 17, check out our clip, via TMZ, after the jump.

Dressed in what appear to be Hooters-esque short shorts and shockingly wearing a bra underneath her wifebeater, Ashley proves she's got the moneymaker to win over the hearts and hard-ons of future men in power with her flashy dance moves. But we have to wonder: if Francis was allegedly locked up for featuring underage girls in his vacation house-producing franchise, doesn't this "score" on his part just add fuel to the illegal fire? TMZ reportedly spoke to Dupre's lawyer, who claims she was indeed only 17 when this footage was taken, but Francis is fighting back by stating that no "sexual contact" was involved, and that Dupre voluntarily strutted her stuff, making the legal murkiness moot. Nevertheless, if we had just been released from prison, it would take a heck of a lot more than video clips of a homewrecking hooker revealing body parts we've seen on his tapes millions, er, dozens of times to risk a visit back to the clinger.