
Ashley Feinberg · 05/08/15 10:19AM

South Carolina Senator and anthropomorphized seersucker suit Lindsey Graham will reportedly be announcing his bid for the presidency on June 1. He will be joining the 753 other Republican candidates currently in the running.

The Best Times Mike Huckabee Predicted the End Times

Ashley Feinberg · 05/07/15 02:55PM

Isn’t life terrible? Obama’s in office, gays are getting married, and humanity has just generally lost its way. All of this comes with a whole slew of exciting punishments, since the End is nigh. And presidential candidate Mick Huckabee can’t wait.

Ashley Feinberg · 05/05/15 10:49AM

Mike Huckabee just took the stage with Tony Orlando and a bizarre number of children to officially announce his (second) bid for the Republican nomination. And the circus grows.

Aleksander Chan · 05/04/15 06:43AM

Former Hewlett-Packard chief exec Carly Fiorina and retired Johns Hopkins neurosurgeon (and idiot) Ben Carson have officially joined the 2016 presidential race. They’re up against Senators Marco Rubio, Ted Cruz, and Rand Paul for the GOP nomination.

Rand Paul Vows to "Look Into" Insane Martial Law Conspiracy Theory

Ashley Feinberg · 05/01/15 03:11PM

The military is not about to take over the Southwestern United States. No one’s building underground tunnels to connect various Walmarts. Texas is not erecting a series of FEMA death camps. And we’re not about to enter the age of martial law in America. But! Just in case—Rand Paul is on it.

The Platonic Ideal of Horse Race Journalism

Hamilton Nolan · 04/06/15 12:03PM

As the 2016 presidential election draws closer, America's political press corps is warming up for what they do best: drone on about nothing of consequence.

Adam Weinstein · 06/17/14 12:42PM

"I'm more Jewish than you think I am," Gov. Rick Perry (R-Texas) tells the New York Times Magazine. "I read the part of the Bible that said the Jews are God's chosen people." This works in much the same way that reading Atlas Shrugged makes railroad tycoons of us all.

Christie: Sorry, I'm Just Really Bad at Knowing What My People Do

Adam Weinstein · 01/09/14 12:06PM

Chris Christie wants your pity. He is just a poor humble ex-investigative attorney and strongarm governor who had no idea his closest advisors planned a four-day traffic jam for political retribution, because, geez, he asked everyone if they were involved, and they said no, and man, that makes him "sad."

Hillary Clinton Just Wants to Take A Nap, Get Jacked, and Watch HGTV

MTanzer · 11/11/12 02:09PM

Now that President Obama has been reelected, we can focus on more important things like the 2016 presidential race. The big question on everyone's mind right now is whether or not Hillary Clinton will run in the next election. She told Obama a long time ago that she would not return to serve as Secretary of State in the President's second term. So what is a former first lady and Senator to do with a bunch of time off?