"Too Many Cooks," the sitcom-intro spoof that destroyed America's brains back in November, worked so well because of its spot-on parody of several TV genres, which went uncomfortably long and then glitched out into brilliant, unexpected madness. CNN just tried to do their own version, mocking(?) the 2016 election. Why?

"It is incredible," and "it is better than it has any right to be," raved some publications that, I guess, don't like jokes? Certainly, it took some effort to drag out the long list of all 2016's presidential hopefuls and presidential-hopeful-hopefuls, and CNN certainly nailed the first level of "Too Many Cooks"—the level where you look down at the progress bar of the video and can't believe how long it is.

"What's the deal with so many people running (or maybe running) for president?" CNN is joking here, "And other politicians?! It's funny how there are so many other politicians! And dictators! and the Supreme Court? 'Memba them?!"

Good one. Good point.

But "Too Many Cooks" had multiple satisfying payoffs that earned its 11 minutes—the moment where you realize they're going to switch genres to keep the joke going; the reveal of the character who was hiding in plain sight the whole time; and the final, horrible breakdown.

CNN's version lasts six minutes, basically ignores the moments where the Cooks theme music changes, and you watched it for ... this? Well, okay.

Malaysian Airlines Flight 370 disappeared one year and 12 days ago. Where is it?!

[h/t everyone on your Facebook feed trying to make you watch this]