
The Debasing Race: Meet the Fox News GOP Debate Contestants

Ashley Feinberg · 08/05/15 03:00PM

It’s time. Tomorrow night, at 9 p.m. Eastern Daylight Time, ten drunk clowns are going to fight with each other on national television for the chance to make wildly important decisions that affect each and every one of our livelihoods. It is going to be a god damn masterpiece.

Buzzfeed and Bobby Jindal Try to Out-Whore One Another

Hamilton Nolan · 08/05/15 12:30PM

The media is often granted access to important people. What responsibility—if any—do news outlets have to not be dirty, desperate, pitiful whores in exchange for this access?

Fox News Announces the Ten Candidates for Thursday's GOP Debate

Ashley Feinberg · 08/04/15 05:18PM

And I stood upon the sand of the sea, and saw a beast rise up out of the sea, having seven heads and ten horns, and upon his horns ten crowns, and upon his heads the name of blasphemy. And the beast which I saw was like unto a leopard, and his feet were as the feet of a bear, and his mouth as the mouth of a lion: and the dragon gave him his power, and his seat, and great authority.

Hillary Clinton Is Running For Capitulator-In-Chief

Hamilton Nolan · 07/31/15 09:28AM

If Hillary Clinton’s stance on the minimum wage is any indicator, the Democratic party can expect a leader who specializes in the party’s greatest talent: capitulation.

Hamilton Nolan · 07/09/15 12:41PM

Jeb Bush’s ill-advised comment yesterday that “people need to work longer hours” not only shows the outlandish nature of his promise of 4% economic growth, it will also push even supportive voters towards his opponents—after all, no one wants people to work longer hours more than Scott Walker.

Taylor Berman · 06/15/15 03:11PM

Report: Oh God, This Guy Too, Probably

Hudson Hongo · 06/03/15 12:45AM

According to NBC News, Louisiana’s Republican Governor Bobby Jindal will be making “a major announcement” about his 2016 plans later this month. Which—barring an declaration that he seeks to abolish the federal government and name himself Jindalator Supreme—means that he, too, is likely running for president.

Chris Christie Thinks Your Government Spying Fears Are "Baloney"

Ashley Feinberg · 05/18/15 03:20PM

New Jersey Governor and snack gourmand Chris Christie stopped by the key primary state of New Hampshire today. At which point, Christie called for a major boost in military funding. But don’t fret over what this means for NSA snooping, because according to the bridge bandit himself, “All these fears are baloney.”

If You Even Think About Joining Al Qaeda, Lindsey Graham Will Kill You

Ashley Feinberg · 05/18/15 10:02AM

South Carolina Senator and sentient mint julep Lindsey Graham is busy running around hinting coyly at a “big announcement” he has coming up on June 1. But he managed to find some time to let a group of Iowa republicans know that, should any of them even think about joining ISIS, Lindsey Graham will find them, and he will kill them.

Jeb Bush: "I Would Not Have Gone Into Iraq"

Ashley Feinberg · 05/14/15 01:42PM

Finally, a whole four days after he first said that yes, he would have gone into Iraq, then said he misheard the question, and then said the question is mean to our troops, Jeb Bush has finally given us a definitive(-ish?) answer: Knowing what we know today, Jeb Bush would not have authorized an invasion in Iraq. Probably.

Rand Paul Staffer Licks Liberal Spy's Camera Lens

Ashley Feinberg · 05/11/15 01:51PM

On the campaign trail, absolutely everything you say is fair game—which is why both parties will send trackers to record the competition’s every move. And how do you swat these camera-toting pests? For Rand Paul’s camp, the answer is apparently a drawn-out, tender loving lick.