
Loser Interviews Hater

Ashley Feinberg · 08/28/15 10:40PM

In one of the most simultaneously bleak and fawning ten minutes of television I have ever seen, former candidate for Vice President of the United States and current off-brand Fox News (OAN) personality Sarah Palin interviewed everyone’s favorite screaming steamed carrot, Donald Trump.

Ben Carson Says There's a War on Some Parts of Women But Not Others

Brendan O'Connor · 08/27/15 07:10PM

At a campaign event on Thursday, in Little Rock, Arkansas, Republican presidential candidate Ben Carson said, to a smattering of applause, “There is no war on women. There may be a war on what’s inside of women, but there is no war on women in this country.”

Brendan O'Connor · 08/22/15 03:50PM

“Trump has built a broad, demographically and ideologically diverse coalition, constructed around personality, not substance, that bridges demographic and political divides,” the New York Times reports. “Trumpism...is an attitude, not an ideology.” Trumpism! Oh no help.

Marco Not-a-QB-o

Jordan Sargent · 08/18/15 12:37PM

Granted, this isn’t exactly Marco Rubio’s fault. No matter how old you are, if you’re going to run out for a pass, you should probably at least be able to prevent it from hitting you in the face. That said, “eager young kid unable to come through on the big stage” is a decent metaphor for Rubio’s career in national politics.

Donald Trump Lies to Little Boy: "I Am Batman."

Ashley Feinberg · 08/16/15 07:25PM

Noted Donald Trump enthusiast Donald Trump lied to a group of children yesterday during an incredible series of events that played out like the bleakest of CNN wet dreams. In a video posted to Facebook, a boy points a camera at the petulant clown running for president and asks, point-blank, if he is Batman. Trump’s response: “I am Batman.”

Donald Trump Has Gone Completely Bing-Bong

Jay Hathaway · 08/13/15 11:05AM

Donald Trump, speaking in Michigan Tuesday: “Jeb Bush or Hillary, or one of these politicians, all controlled by lobbyists and special interests—and donors, people like me from previous months—total control. Bing bing, bong bong bong, bing bing. You know what that is, right?”

Don't Piss on Your Best Friend 

Hamilton Nolan · 08/10/15 08:35AM

On Saturday, Bernie Sanders was scheduled to speak to a crowd of thousands of supporters in a Seattle park. He never did; the event was shut down after a handful of protesters disrupted it in the name of “Black Lives Matter.” This was remarkably dumb.

Hot in Cleveland: From the Pits of Hell, It's the GOP 2016 Liveblog

Ashley Feinberg · 08/06/15 07:41PM

The first (real, non-consolation prize) GOP debate begins at 9 p.m. How long will Donald Trump last before security forcibly escorts him out? How many times will the angry white men utter the word “rape” for no apparent reason? How many groups of minority voters will be spectacularly and irrevocably alienated? And how much of the beautiful light inside of each and every one of us will die before the madness finally stops? We’ll be here (with special guest Glenn Greenwald), starting at 8:45 Eastern to find out.

Lindsey Graham Ignores Debate Question To Recount His Lonely Life

Jordan Sargent · 08/06/15 06:45PM

The undercard to tonight’s GOP debate was a roundly depressing affair, as the seven runners-up wheezed hot, foul air into an empty basketball arena in Cleveland. But no moment was quite as sad, nor more human, than when Lindsey Graham took a moment to reflect on his lonely life.