Last Sunday, former Arkansas governor and enraged Nostradamus impersonator Mike Huckabee thought it would be a good idea to say that Obama was “marching the Israelis to the door of the oven.” It was not. And yet, despite all evidence to the contrary, Mike Huckabee is standing by his Holocaust reference—and, according to him and only him, the Jews are loving it.

On The Today Show this morning, Huckabee discussed his insane analogy, mentioning that “the response from Jewish people has been overwhelmingly positive.” He even went so far as to claim that he’s received support from Holocaust survivors and their families for calling out a bad deal.

Unfortunately for Huck, Jewish organizations all over the globe have yet to receive the memo.

Just yesterday, Israeli Ambassador Ron Dermer told USA Today that, while he is currently strongly opposed to the Iran nuclear accord, “These are not words that I would use or that I think are appropriate.”

The National Jewish Democratic Council also referred to Huckabee’s comments as “not only disgustingly offensive to the President and the White House, but shows utter, callous disregard for the millions of lives lost in the Shoah and to the pain still felt by their descendants today.”

But just in case you’re still not quite convinced, the group added that “it may be the most inexcusable we’ve encountered in recent memory.”

Barak Ravid of Tel Aviv’s Haaretz went on to tweet that:

But it’s not just Democrats, despite Huck so vehemently asserting that to be the case. The Jewish Federation of Greater Metrowest in New Jersey said that, while they are “very, very concerned about Israel’s safety and security,” they are still “very offended by using Holocaust references in relation to this situation.”

The American-Israeli Cooperative Enterprise noted that “[Huckabee’s] remark about marching the Israelis to the door of the oven was a poor choice of words,” although the group did still reaffirm their lack of support for the Iran deal.

Furthermore, the Anti-Defamation League said that “comments such as those by Mike Huckabee suggesting the president is leading Israel to another Holocaust are completely out of line and unacceptable.”

But hey, maybe Huckabee just thinks the phrase “positive response” means something very, very different—like overwhelming revulsion, for instance. Easy mistake.

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