
Birther Congressman: Canadian-Born Ted Cruz Will Restore America's Soul

Jay Hathaway · 11/16/15 01:08PM

Iowa Congressman Steve King continued to raise doubts about Barack Obama’s place of birth long after the president released his longform birth certificate. As late as last year, he was still asserting that wherever Obama may have been born, he was “not raised with an American experience.” Which is presumably why King just endorsed a real American—Canadian-born Ted Cruz—for president.

The Best Parts of Donald Trump's Most Insane, Incoherent Stump Speech Yet

Ashley Feinberg · 11/13/15 03:25PM

Last night, a fever dream-addled Donald Trump performed free association, spoken word poetry to the unsuspecting people of Iowa under the guise of a stump speech. Trump clearly hasn’t slept in days, he’s repeating staple phrases though ever so slightly off, and he calls everyone cheering for him an idiot. It is, perhaps, the single most perfect example of American rhetoric ever.

Watch Bob Dole Giggle Over How Much He Hates Ted Cruz

Ashley Feinberg · 11/12/15 02:31PM

Perpetual former candidate for president and (occasionally) vice president Bob Dole has a few opinions about what will soon be the latest crop of former candidates for president. Namely, that he thinks they’re all real swell guys. Well—except for one.

Lindsey Graham Deals With Rejection by Drinking Wine and Getting Sassy on App No One Uses

Ashley Feinberg · 11/11/15 11:00AM

After getting booted from yesterday’s debates for his low numbers, South Carolina Senator and seersucker suit come-to-life Lindsey Graham (who is currently polling at a solid 0.0%) decided to do what any of us do in the face of rejection: Get drunk and whine to our friends on social media. And since Graham’s BFF is none other than Senator John McCain—whose former spokesman just so happened to have recently released Sidewire, a sort of Twitter knock-off—Graham was free to let loose. Because absolutely no one else knows it exists.

The Gawker GOP Debate and Ongoing Jeb Bush National Humiliation Liveblog

Ashley Feinberg · 11/10/15 08:57PM

Somehow, once again, all the candidates’ demands have been met, the undercard round finished, and Ted Cruz’s flesh mask polished to a sheen. Come 9:00 p.m. EST, it’s time for another GOP debate live blog. And as our host for the evening will be Fox Business, this one is almost guaranteed to be extra terrible. We can’t wait.

A Guide to Ben Carson's Biggest Fictions, Misstatements, and Exaggerations

Ashley Feinberg · 11/10/15 04:45PM

At tonight’s 358th GOP debate, Ben Carson is almost certainly going to be pushed to respond to the many, many, many claims of fabulism that have been levied against the candidate in recent weeks. So many, in fact, it can be hard to keep track (especially if your name is Ben Carson). But don’t worry—we’re here to help.

A Wild Idea: Support the Candidate You Agree With 

Hamilton Nolan · 11/06/15 03:20PM

So far, America’s most powerful labor unions are more likely to endorse Hillary Clinton than Bernie Sanders, even though Sanders’ beliefs are more pro-labor than Clinton’s. This is dumb. And fearful.

Marco Rubio Would Like to Have a Beer With Malala, a Muslim Teen

Jordan Sargent · 11/04/15 02:37PM

Today, Senator Marco Rubio held a Q&A for “young professionals” at St. Anselm College in New Hampshire. That sounds very boring, and it probably mostly was, except that Rubio gave perhaps the most insane answer possible to the question, “Who would you like to have a beer with who is not a politician?”