After getting booted from yesterday’s debates for his low numbers, South Carolina Senator and seersucker suit come-to-life Lindsey Graham (who is currently polling at a solid 0.0%) decided to do what any of us do in the face of rejection: Get drunk and whine to our friends on social media. And since Graham’s BFF is none other than Senator John McCain—whose former spokesman just so happened to have recently released Sidewire, a sort of Twitter knock-off—Graham was free to let loose. Because absolutely no one else knows it exists.

Currently, the app’s only real purpose is to let politicians and other “political influencers” tweet without immediately being either a) berated or b) called “dad” by thousands of teens. So it was the perfect outlet for everyone’s favorite displaced Gone With the Wind extra to let his hair down and take a few jabs at the people currently beating him in every possible way.

Glad to know where we can find you, Lindsey.

[h/t Mother Jones]

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