
Donald Trump Hires Press Advisor Who Might Actually Talk to Press

Hudson Hongo · 06/27/16 10:21PM

With his heavily ad-libbed campaign promises, Donald Trump’s media strategy has often better resembled an improv routine. But after the ouster of rogue campaign manager Corey Lewandowski, that may no longer be the case: On Monday, Trump hired veteran GOP operative Jason Miller (who most recently served as a top Ted Cruz aide) to “take the lead role over the Trump campaign’s message and interactions with the news media,” Bloomberg reports.

Everything We Know About the Shady "Draper Sterling" Getting Paid by the Trump Campaign

Ashley Feinberg · 06/21/16 03:20PM

Donald Trump’s most recent expenditure report is a disaster perfectly befitting the campaign from whence it came. And of all the campaign’s various questionable spending decisions ($208,000 on hats), one recipient in particular stands out—mostly because it’s named after a fake advertising company from Mad Men.

Donald Trump's Man on Wall Street Explains Himself

Hamilton Nolan · 06/20/16 10:05AM

If Donald Trump wants to win the presidency, he’ll need to raise a lot of money. One of the men helping him do that is the hedge fund manager Anthony Scaramucci. We asked him why.

Man Still Yelling

Ashley Feinberg · 06/16/16 09:18PM

Tonight, in a live address streamed to supporters, Bernie Sanders announced that he was officially conce—hahaha, just kidding. Bernie Sanders will concede in hell.