
It's a Cold Jebruary in the Freedom State

Hamilton Nolan · 02/09/16 09:33AM

RAYMOND, NEW HAMPSHIRE—“It’s horrible! It’s terrible!” shrieked the two men as they staggered through the crowded Tuckaway Tavern, waving a cross and a mirror. “He’s too close to power! It’s a curse from the devil!”

Unlike Bernie, Hillary Went to Flint Instead of SNL (Because She Already Did SNL)

Ashley Feinberg · 02/08/16 05:40PM

Recent Flint visitor Hillary Clinton really wants you to know that Hillary Clinton (who was recently in Flint) cares a lot about the fact that she was, quite recently, in Flint (Michigan). More specifically, she wants you to know that she was not off mugging it up for SNL like some other candidates we know.

FT: Michael Bloomberg May Try to Buy One More Election

Sam Biddle · 02/08/16 04:16PM

For voters who wish there were a presidential candidate with close ties to Wall Street, the Financial Times has good news: “the founder of the eponymous financial information group criticised the quality of the debate in the ​presidential ​race. He said ​that ​he was ‘looking at all the options’ when asked whether he was considering putting his name forward.”

"We're Gonna Have the Greatest Stuff Ever Created" 

Hamilton Nolan · 02/08/16 09:00AM

PLYMOUTH, NEW HAMPSHIRE—Inside of Donald Trump’s rally on Sunday in northern New Hampshire, the press stayed inside of a tiny prison, where they were safe. Surrounding them: haters.

In New Hampshire, The Race for the Whites 

Hamilton Nolan · 02/07/16 08:33AM

MANCHESTER, NEW HAMPSHIRE--New Hampshire! Land of granite, and heroin, and many white people unironically enjoying Republican political events.

Watch Bernie Sanders Joke About His Shtick—and Anti-Semitism—On SNL

Jordan Sargent · 02/07/16 12:47AM

On the night that the Republican debate in New Hampshire opened with the candidates unable to follow basic instructions, the liberal end of the political spectrum offered up something that at least aimed to be intentionally funny: Bernie Sanders’ expected cameo next to his new impersonator, tonight’s SNL host Larry David.

Republican Candidates Can't Even Get Walking to Their Debate Podiums Right

Ashley Feinberg · 02/06/16 08:29PM

In what we can only hope was a sign of what’s to come, the ABC GOP debate kicked off with the most bizarre candidate walk-out any of us will likely ever see. Ben Carson appeared to refuse to go on stage, the moderators literally forgot about John Kasich, and both Carson and Trump had to eventually be begged before finally shuffling out from the shadows. This candidate clusterfuck alone almost makes the entire, terrible election worth it.

God Hates Trump

Ashley Feinberg · 02/05/16 12:55PM

Last night, failed mail-order meat salesman Donald Trump decided that, tonight, he’d like to sleep in his own bed. Spotting an opportunity to strike, our great Lord above—the Alpha and the Omega, the First and the Last, the original mail-order meat salesman in a way, if you think about it—decided to pull some pranks. And now, Trump is fucked.

Hillary Clinton Has a Henry Kissinger Problem

Alex Pareene · 02/05/16 11:46AM

At last night’s Democratic debate between Hillary Clinton and Bernie Sanders, Hillary Clinton invoked an unexpected figure: Henry Kissinger. “I was very flattered when Henry Kissinger said I ran the State Department better than anybody had run it in a long time,” she said, in an off-hand aside. It wasn’t an endorsement of Kissinger, or really much of anything. It was just a little brag that would have played well in a different room.