Watch Rick Santorum Struggle to Think of One Reason He Likes Marco Rubio
When Joe Scarborough asks Rick Santorum—a broken and defeated man who just endorsed Marco Rubio—to name the latter’s top accomplishment in the Senate, you can actually hear air coming out of Rick’s sad chest cavity, a defeated little Eucghhh puff.
.@JoeNBC asks @RickSantorum 3 times: Can you name Rubio's top accomplishment in the Senate? Here's his answer.
— Morning Joe (@Morning_Joe) February 4, 2016
After two minutes and twenty seconds of painful flailing, Santorum finally coughs up a semi-answer:
Well, I know he included something that went after the insurance companies in the most recent omnibus, I know that he fought for that... to stop bailing out insurance companies... that’s one thing I’m familiar with that I just saw recently...
Well, I’m convinced. It seems weird to not have a canned response to this predictable question, but can you really predict what Joe Scarborough is going to throw at you? Yes, of course, you can.
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