
Clinton and Sanders Stand Side by Side, Screaming Into Void

Andy Cush · 02/03/16 06:17PM

For a while this afternoon, the people running the respective social media accounts of Hillary Clinton and Bernie sanders tweeted some things about each other’s candidate of choice. A small number of people saw them and were amused or irritated, but most people didn’t. None of it will make any difference on February 9, or Super Tuesday, or tomorrow.

Donald Trump Says Ted Cruz Broke the Law to Win Iowa

Sam Biddle · 02/03/16 10:21AM

In a tweet that existed only briefly, like a soap bubble in a toilet bowl, Donald Trump just accused Ted Cruise of illegally winning the Iowa caucus, which is to say Ted Cruz broke the law.

Donald Trump Regrets Skipping Debate After All

Jordan Sargent · 02/03/16 10:00AM

Everything was all good a few days ago. Donald Trump was coasting in the Iowa polls even after ditching the state’s final debate as the latest maneuver in his petty one-sided feud with Fox’s Megyn Kelly. But then it all came crumbling down.

It Sure Does Seem Like Ted Cruz's Campaign Tried to Sabotage Ben Carson in Iowa

Jordan Sargent · 02/02/16 03:00PM

Ben Carson’s sinking campaign hit another low point last night when the famed surgeon finished fourth in the Iowa caucus, a good 14 points behind Marco Rubio in what appears to now be a three-person race for the Republican nomination. The Carson camp has so far offered one reason for his poor showing: a quick-spreading rumor started by Ted Cruz that Carson was dropping out of the race.

Would Elizabeth Warren Have Beaten Hillary Clinton?

Alex Pareene · 02/02/16 12:16PM

Hillary Clinton eked out a narrow victory over Bernie Sanders last night in the Iowa caucuses, which has led to a lot of punditry. There’s one branch of that punditry that I think ought to be examined a bit more rigorously before it spreads. Here’s Ezra Klein, last night:

Either the Iowa Caucuses Are Too Complicated or We Are Too Stupid

Brendan O'Connor · 02/02/16 01:10AM

Under Iowa’s arcane Democratic caucusing rules, ties can be broken by the toss of a coin, leaving the designation of some delegates up to physics. On Tuesday, Hillary Clinton won at least three delegates by coin toss. Which delegates? Delegates to what? Where? No one knows!

Marco Rubio Loses Iowa Caucuses, Wins Narrative Primary

Alex Pareene · 02/01/16 11:27PM

This morning, the smart money had it that Donald Trump would win Iowa, and Ted Cruz would come in second—but it was possible that Trump could under-perform and Cruz would win. Well, Ted Cruz has won Iowa. Donald Trump is in second, and Marco Rubio is in third. But according to “the narrative,” Donald Trump is tonight’s big loser, and Rubio the upset victor.

Your Guide to GOP Iowa Caucus Hell [Updating]

Ashley Feinberg · 02/01/16 09:30PM

It’s finally here. In a few short hours, Iowa residents will crown their harvest king and everyone else in the country can go back to forgetting that Iowans exist for the next four years.

You Have to Win Elections to Win Elections

Alex Pareene · 02/01/16 07:35PM

Soon we’ll have a winner in the first official contest of the 2016 election. For the Republicans, it’s likely to be Donald Trump, though it could be Sen. Ted Cruz. There is a small chance it will be Sen. Marco Rubio, the supposed “establishment” candidate. But it probably won’t be. And don’t worry: Losing—repeatedly and for a long time—is all part of Rubio’s master plan.

A Close-Up Photo of Donald Trump's Hair

Jordan Sargent · 02/01/16 06:50PM

This is a close-up photo of Donald Trump’s hair, taken by Christopher Furlong of Getty Images, at Gerald W. Kim Middle School in Council Bluffs, Iowa, on Jan. 31.